Question Assigning Person Timeline Animation/Action with keyboard


Active member
Hi, is there a way through some pluggins possible to assigned timeline animation to certain key on board(by name eg) ? eg to left/right/up/down arrows . I try McGrubber keybindings but there is only play first anim. If its it could be great possibility to create some nice platformer with VAM :)
@rabbit1qaz You can use the CustomCommands plugin, part of Keybindings, to create scene-specific commands that will invoke triggers, which can play Timeline animations.


Your commands will be available to be bound, so any scene that has "Jump" for example will invoke that command if it exists in the scene.
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Hi @Acid Bubbles what scene is your screen from ? it seem like sth id like to create myselfe (jumping and punching and moving ) :) :)

and of course i use your Keybinidngs(not McGrubber ) which is fantastic additions for VAM.

Maybe you can also help me with this how to set timeline that animation move its Person 50cm Xaxis right from its current position based on Person current position
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@rabb1t1qaz I just made it to make you a screenshot :) I simply added Timeline, made a Jump and Punch animation, and add the Keybinding's CustomCommands plugin in the scene, invoked the Play Jump / Play Punch triggers and named them "Jump" and "Punch". Now you can bind them.

But to get the model moving around is not easily feasible at the moment.
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Ha :) lol i thought that you were creating some fighting scene :D

Please explain how does it work in timeline: if i add as target lHand and do some movement , then if i change Person position in scene and play that animation, all is ok, the hand do same motion like i when created animation in new place, not try to move hand to its orginal position when animation was made. So why cant i create animation with person control as target, that in starting point person is x , in endig point is in X+100 , then move person to some other location and play animation and sudenly person is moved to that initial position of X. If it was posible than moving will be possible.
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Animations are by default parented to the root control. If you move the root control (and things are parented) the animation will be relative to it. Otherwise you can parent all Timeline animations to an empty control for example, so when you move that control the animations will move relative to it. There's a ton of possibilities, but to make an actual fighting game, you might need to code something :p Timeline can definitely help create and trigger animations but the game logic itself would be easier to implement as code.
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Im kinda programmer myself(winforms apps in c#) but i do not know how to create plugins for vam. Im eager to learn it in near future (if im right there are some guides for it). Vam seem to be very nice framework for creating so many thing especialy with plugins such as yours. Thank you for your works :D
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