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Question Any known issues with Valve Index


New member
Is anyone aware of any issues with the latest Valve Index controllers working in VaM 19.2.2?

I just received my Index 2 days ago, and after playing in numerous games without issue, VaM doesn't recognize them at all. I started it initially using the .exe, from my desktop and from within SteamVR home desktop browser, but after reaching the selection menu for Creator/Free in the headset, the purple laser pointer is just stuck in the center of the space pointing downward into infinity. I've restarted SteamVR, tried launching VaM(openVR).bat, and rebooted my PC, but I cannot get controller response on the main screen.
Thank you for responding. I'm using 1.12.5. I assume that's the latest version since I just installed it and ran through updates. Is there any special method or order of launch I need to perform for it to behave appropriately in VR vs. desktop? I ask because I was doing creator work in desktop mode before my Index came in. The Index is working fine in everything else.
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Yeah 1.12.5 is what I'm running as well.

Try this:
  • click the 3 bars on the SteamVR panel
  • go to Devices -> Controller Settings
  • click Controllers, then click Manage Controller Bindings
  • find VAM in the list and select it
  • It should say Active Controller -> Index Controller and Active Controller Binding -> Default. If it doesn't there is probably a problem with the binding you have selected
  • You can edit the bindings in VR by bring up the SteamVR overlay while running VaM and then select index controller and default binding
  • You can also edit the bindings on desktop by using Show Old Binding UI (next to Manage Controller Bindings), and finding VaM in there and make some changes
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Alright, I've verified that VAM was/is set to the default Index controller and binding, and yet, I do not have any control function, regardless of any alternative controller binding changes I make. I'm am still at a loss, unfortunately. I feel like I'm missing something simple because I played 4 hours of Half Life Alex last night and 2 hours of No Man's Sky the night before without any issues.
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I have tried that, as mentioned in the first post. I even tried opening OpenVR using the Steam desktop browser in VR. VAM does detect SteamVR and Steam detects VAM because it says "Next Up: VAM", and it shows up in the SteamVR home recently played. Thank you for the suggestion, though. I wonder if I need to use a clean unused unzip of VAM without all my desktop usage or dozens of add-ons I've imported over the past few months.
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The only other thing I can think of is some of your local bindings files in the VaM folder are corrupted or have been edited. You could try "Options->Check Core Integrity" and "Options->Sync / Repair Core" options in VaM_Updater.exe. Or you could try to manually fix. The SteamVR bindings files are in Assets/VaMAssets/SteamVR_Bindings/ folder. I have attached the 2 relevant files (actions.json and bindings_knuckles.json) here. In addition you should have a vrmanifest file at the root VaM folder that looks like this if you open in text editor:

  "source": "VaM",
  "applications": [
      "app_key": "application.generated.unity.vam.exe",
      "launch_type": "url",
      "url": "steam://launch/",
      "strings": {
        "en_us": {
          "name": "VaM"

The repair option might be best because it could fix other corrupt file issues that might be causing this.


  • actions.json
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  • bindings_knuckles.json
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Well, we may have something. The check integrity tool did find errors and recommended repairs, but attempts to perform any level of repair or update results in fatal error messages like the one attached. I think I may have to do a fresh VAM folder and just deal with the hassle of reloading all the add-ins I was using.


  • Annotation 2020-06-16 000958.jpg
    Annotation 2020-06-16 000958.jpg
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Alright, it took a couple hours, but after a reinstall and re-adding all my stuffs it's up and working! Hopefully, if anyone runs into something similar in the future they can refer to this thread. Thank you for all your help!! :)
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I've had this issue tonight and this is what I found I had done: accidentally deleted the assets folder in the VAM root. I'd copied someone's zip file into the root instead of into custom... Tried to undo it and deleted the Vam/Assets/ folder which had SteamVR_Bindings in it. Whoopsie. So I could see the controllers in the loading screen but nothing in VAM. So I guess check that folder exists. Hope that is helpful if anyone has this problem in future.
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My index has worked flawlessly with VAM so far. I did notice this morning though that there is an update available for the headset in steamVR. After seeing your post I am afraid to do the update, lol.
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I reinstalled VAM. Now my right joystick on the index controller doesn't go up/down in any scene. Not sure if it's something with VAM or the SteamVR update. Any ideas?
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Wakko do you have trackers also running on your system? I had some weird issues when a controller paired to a tracker base and a tracker paired to the headset instead of it's base. Once I sorted that out everything seemed to work. Also the headset should be plugged into a usb3 if you have one. Does it work right outside of vam in other games? Maybe you locked yourself to the floor I seem to recall doing that at one point somehow. I will show you my settings. In the navigation panel make sure navigate lock height is not checked in vr


  • Userpref.PNG
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  • userpref3.PNG
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Now do I half to be in standing option or room setup? (Currently using room) I can see an indicator showing my headset in vr and tried to a line my head with it and nothing.
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