Not long ago, I posted a question on the hub about excessively reducing clothing duplication.
After some testing over time, I found that extracting assets from var files works fine for clothing and morph files, but VAM seems unable to read other items, including but not limited to assetbundles, character skin textures, audio in the scene, and texture files referenced by other assets in the scene (non-assetbundle clothing is not affected). So, if I extract all the clothing and morph files from the character var packages (I have about 70 characters) into the corresponding Custom\Atom\Person folder, are there any unexpected issues I should be aware of? One known issue is that morph files with the same name seem to be overwritten, meaning that only one of the morph files can be read in VAM. This seems to happen with some older character presets.
After some testing over time, I found that extracting assets from var files works fine for clothing and morph files, but VAM seems unable to read other items, including but not limited to assetbundles, character skin textures, audio in the scene, and texture files referenced by other assets in the scene (non-assetbundle clothing is not affected). So, if I extract all the clothing and morph files from the character var packages (I have about 70 characters) into the corresponding Custom\Atom\Person folder, are there any unexpected issues I should be aware of? One known issue is that morph files with the same name seem to be overwritten, meaning that only one of the morph files can be read in VAM. This seems to happen with some older character presets.