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Question Is There Any Way To Model a Birth Scene?


New member
I was wondering if there are any assets for a belly and vagina to accommodate birth scenes.

I kinda want to see it be a thing as it is hard to find many 3d porn where the pregnant woman is forced to give birth.

Even moreso with anything regarding certain steps like crowning and water breaking. I was hoping to see these assets be made.
The short answer is that there are morphs available that could simulate a certain level of pregnancy.
This is an example :

As for phase of crowning, that's a whole different thing and I can't say I have seen morphs that allows that much deformations.
Not that it's impossible to make, but more that the level of deformation might exceed the level of details you can get out of the mesh around the vaginal area.
It would requires a whole different level of modeling for the vaginal area with its own morphs (as morphs are either vertex or maps dependents meaning that the UVs and/or the position and number of vertex has to be more or less made for it).

Currently, 90% of the vaginal area is just a visual simulation created by materials & textures. If you remove those 2 elements, the vaginal would look like a gray-ish piece of flat Play-Do art. When you morph those faces as big as required for the crowning during birth, you will end up with some kind of visible angle around the crowning. (Imagine if, currently, the vaginal area is barely able to fit around a shaft-like form of a dick... how it would far if you attempted to fit it to a volume-variant level that is a baby's head or neck or body.)

I'm not judging your taste, but I got to point out that this kind of passion is rater a rare occurrence, hence there are really little chances that someone with the same kind of tastes as you would end up modeling and test such a concept in VaM out of sheer pleasure for it. You might have to look up for some artists that are up for the task at a cost. The least amount of people which like something, the lesser the chance you'll find someone working on it.

As for the water breaking, that's mostly on the animation, effect and timing side. (Manipulating morphs over time and starting and stopping effects at key moments. Enabling and disabling stuff along the way.)

Lastly, while you haven't covered it in your demand, I would guess that there should be a baby involved.

That, again, is a whole different matter and even more... a risky one because of the laws in various countries regarding the matter.

Long story short, involving an infant (0 to 13) in some war scenarios and making them get hurt is not well viewed and sometime illegal, but depending on the context it can be accepted as a relative side of war. When it come to a software that is as much used for sex simulation as VaM, that's a whole different degree of "acceptability" in the legal sense. While a project might start as something natural and kinda right, exposing the files to the public could result in it being used for other stuff and, yes, in certain countries the original artist that exposed the file is partially responsible if traceability is involved.

This is also the reason why, even in filmed porn, pregnancy-related sex are mostly limited to the first 3 or 4 months of pregnancy as, in many countries, the pregnant mother who act in the sex could get sued for displaying certain things done to her not-yet-born child. She could even loose right to raise her child even before it's born and if the child is born with any issues, she could get criminally implied as the cause of it.

I don't want to scare you, but just make you aware that pregnancy-related content is real field of mines in entertainment as to why you might not find a lot of stuff covering what you're looking for.

This is also why you're mostly only find porn stuff about forced birth out of movies or hentai movies usually have the budget to simulate it (or a slaving effect artist) and hentai are just drawn and no real person is involved in the act.

In case any 3D artists would like to get into this, I would suggest to not model a full baby head, but maybe only the top of the head (or just use a sphere) and limit the whole thing to up to the early stage of the crowning.
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Yeah. I don't live in the countries where this would be an issue.

And honestly,I find via the online sphere the loudest of judgments come from people who have most to hide.
I have seen a proposition by the UN to lower the Age of Consent so the idea of these laws being well enforced to protect children has been ringing hollow with me especially with the folks I see on Epstein's Little Black Book.

It helps that the baby being born is not even human but some mutant/alien monstrosity.

Yeah. The water breaking I have issues with as getting the right kind of animation done is rather tricky.

Thanks for replying.
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Moderator chiming in to say that while your particular kink doesn't seem to involve pedophelia, no matter what your intent no model (either a person model or a CUA) of children or infants are welcome on the hub. Child (much less infant) models have no place in a sex program, for obvious reasons. If you make such a scene or model, you may not post it, offer to share it, or post screenshots of it here, on reddit, or on Vam discord.
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