Fixed ( UI Checkbox hard to press


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I've been using checkboxes (UIToggle) for a while, and it's really (really!) hard to press that tiny area that is the actual checkmark in VR (especially in play mode where you don't see exactly where you are pointing until you hit the checkbox). Can you please make it so that clicking in that entire area, including the text that says what the checkbox is for, toggles the checkbox?

I"ve noticed that for the VaM menu checkboxes, such as play and edit, things do work like this. But not for UIToggles.
I would also suggest that the red line that shoots from the person's hand to select be visible when the trackpad / button is touched (I believe touch is detected separately from press). Right now it's only visible in edit mode. In play mode it shouldn't be visible all the time, but should be visible when being used if possible. Thanks as always for all your fixes and improvements!
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Currently in play mode when the main UI panel is closed the pointers only show up if you are pointing at a UI element, but I see your point. It can be sometimes hard to select a UI element because you don't know exactly where you are point. Let me see if I can add a preference for this, with default having them be on when the button/track is touched
I added a new option to always show the pointers when the button / pad is touched. It is on by default. It does help now that a lot of scenes are using the UI atoms for interaction.
Super helpful to have the pointers on, but I still find it really tricky with some of the UI elements in scenes to figure out exactly which area of them I’m pointing at ( especially at an angle). Is there any way to customize the pointers to make them brighter/ change base color or diameter, or make the contact point with UI element brighter/more obvious? I find many scenes have lighting that makes it really near impossible to see them. Thanks for considering further tweaks!
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