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  • Users: KameronFox
  • Content: Threads
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  1. KameronFox

    Whats your average FPS in VAM? 2 Person atom 1 CUA and your computer spec?

    Mine is like 28fps with couple of vars. This is so bad... :( My spec: RTX2080TI, Ryzen 9 5950x, 64gb 3200 ram. PBO enabled.
  2. KameronFox

    [MUST READ] Plugin that whenever load scene or vars it checks every dependies and cut and paste from storage folder to Addonpackages.

    If it's possible it will be soooo helpful. Because over 5000 vars slow down your game. Had to move vars to other folder. So then i have to recopy paste it when some scene requires it. If there is this plugins that automaticly does that it will be superhelpful! After moves vars into...
  3. KameronFox

    Any .fbx blender to VAM importer? Any good commissioner?

    If you are good importer from blender to vam please contact with me. Or do you know someone who does?
  4. KameronFox

    Question Any .fbx blender to VAM importer? Any good commissioner?

    If you are good importer from blender to vam please contact with me. Or do you know someone who does?
  5. KameronFox

    Any .fbx blender to VAM importer? Any good commissioner?

    If you are good importer from blender to vam please contact with me. Or do you know someone who does?
  6. KameronFox

    Looking for someone to port models from Blender. Can be paid.

    If you are good importer please contact with me.
  7. KameronFox

    There should be a "Hide seen" or "Hide downloaded" "Hide liked" filter for all RESOURCES

    What do you guys think? Much better than scrolling down all resources that already checked.
  8. KameronFox

    There must be "LOAD ONLY HEAD WITH TEXTURE" option. Or load only body etc.

    It's a must have a feature for vam for sure. Please consider making it
  9. KameronFox

    Question Does Oculus Rift S + 2 BaseStation 2.0 + 3 Vivetracker works in VAM?

    I've followed this tutorial for making Oculus Rift S, 2 Basestation 2.0, 3 Vivetracker works in SteamVR. I see all devices in SteamVR. However when i try to use it on VAM i'm stuck! I did bind trackers in steamvr following this tutorial...
  10. KameronFox

    Question Is it possible to use VAM 1.X contents on VAM 2.X?

    Is there any news about this?
  11. KameronFox

    [VAM 2.0] Easy convert female into FUTA.

    I think this is necessary.
  12. KameronFox

    Make hair flip horzintally with 1 button.

    It makes life easier. Please make it :)
  13. KameronFox

    Question Is it possible to create morph for character face?

    If not please make it happen.
  14. KameronFox

    Make it possible to create Anime character face.

    Make it happen please. Like honey select or koikatsu. I think it's very good addition. Please make it happen @meshedvr!
  15. KameronFox

    Seperate head and body morph to easy preset load.

    You want to change your favorite head body? Bam! separate body morph just hit and load only change body. Head stays same. You wan to change your head? Bam 1 click and change head only. Please make it happen. I think it's necessary...
  16. KameronFox

    Quality of Live Improvement suggestions. Model movement

    I've made a video for it:
  17. KameronFox

    Load person or object as "Collider" unchecked?

    You know loading person on person or on the wall could crash your game and bla bla bla. It will be just quality of life improvement! :)
  18. KameronFox

    Load Person and object or anything on camera position.

    It's so annoying to find loaded mods from miles away from actual needed position. Why just make option for load object person on camera position that where i look.
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