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  1. 3rdStoryline

    Question What Genitalia does G2F use in VAM?

    Trying to create some overlays for the Genital region as clothing, but I need to know what Genital G2F uses for VaM? I tried the basic Anatomical G2F from V6, but it doesn't line up, it's far too forward in comparison to the default in VaM. Does anyone know what it uses? They do look very...
  2. 3rdStoryline

    Solved How do you transition One scene to another without having to reload assets?

    In the past, I recall coming across a scene that they had a uibutton that would load another scene save file, but it would retain the assets that were already loaded, as well as retain their changes/alteration, but would replace other things like the person. For instance I'm attempting to make...
  3. 3rdStoryline

    VR Hands Custom Textures? or Gloves?

    Was just wondering if someone knew a way, or was able to create a means to change the textures for the VR Hands. I don't want to have to add an entire Male Atom just to change the textures, as it's an FPS loss. I primarily want hands with gloves, like latex/rubber gloves. Ideally general use...
  4. 3rdStoryline

    Question Is there a live resource Analyser/Analyzer for VaM?

    Is there a way to analyze resource usage in VaM. For instance my Physics in my one scene is always at 12, which is pretty high. I want to see what is causing it, because it's occurring whether the person has hair/clothing on or not. Is there a built-in method or a plugin that will analyze what...
  5. 3rdStoryline

    Question Are VaM lights fully GPU based?

    Just wanting to know, and if they aren't is there a way that they could be? I want to light two figures from all sides, but it begins to lower my frame rate quite a lot once I've exceeded 3 lights, yet my GPU isn't being fully utilized. I know simulations (physics/scripts/etc.) require CPU and...
  6. 3rdStoryline

    Solved How to reimport a .dsf morph back into Daz for Editing?

    Hey all, So I have morph I really like. It's called Face Young, by Reloaded_Lite, I put in it in the negative to make my one character look older, and it works out great. But it horribly deforms the inside of the mouth. Teeth get all messed up, and tongue gets all pointy and abnormal looking. I...
  7. 3rdStoryline

    Solved Clothing Importing as Black?

    So I've ran into this issue in the past, and it sometimes had to do with how daz was handling a shader, and literally the work around that worked for me, was just to turn the Clothing piece inside-out, export as OBJ, and then re-import and fit it to character again. Although, this time I've...
  8. 3rdStoryline

    Question Is there a plugin, or way, to have an additional UI window?

    Is there a plugin, or way, to have an additional UI window? I'm trying to do a ton of little adjustments, that require me to reference another menu of a different Atom. And switching back and forth constantly is killing me, and wasting so much time. (using the Copy and paste option won't work in...
  9. 3rdStoryline

    Solved Is there a way to rotate an object at a constant pace using physics?

    I have created an animated Orb effect like a ball of energy in Unity, However the animated texture offset doesn't appear to want to come over into VaM. I can achieve a similar result simply by rotating it in VaM, however I need to able to move the object around while it continues to rotate. This...
  10. 3rdStoryline

    Solved UnityAssetVamifier Material Skipped issue

    Hey, I'm having a heck of a time getting UnityAssetVamifier to accept a shader for my asset i'm making. It doesn't appear to like anything I do. I've used several shader options, and even imported one from the unity store just to see. And for this one single asset I made, UAV doesn't want to...
  11. 3rdStoryline

    Fixed (FIXED in Plugin Triggers under "Start Actions" of a AnimationPattern do no function when played in Reverse. (v1.22)

    So far every plugin I've tried that has Trigger features that can be used under "Start Actions" of a AnimationPattern, do not trigger when the animation pattern is played in reverse (ie. a Negative Animation Speed, -1.000) For a quick example: If I were to make an AnimationPattern with two...
  12. 3rdStoryline

    Solved New Update Safe to do? to 1.22?

    I've been creating a fairly complex scene, with many animations, many nodes that get turned off and on through-out, many many varying potions across a large area, with many assets that get toggled on and off during all of this. Basically an entire house, that is intractable, with scenes that...
  13. 3rdStoryline

    Question Is there a Plugin that Tracks Distance accurately? Enough to...

    Just wondering if there is a Plugin that tracks distance accurately enough that you could use it move an Animation Slider (current time). Something like a collision Trigger sphere, and the closer an object, or VR Hands, are to the center of the sphere, the more it adjust a slider. Or is this...
  14. 3rdStoryline

    Question Looking for Mature Normal Maps

    Hey all! I'm looking for mature normal maps for female. I've seen numerous amounts of posts/releases that the diffuse textures are made to look mature, but haven't noticed any that actually use normal maps, for detailed wrinkles and such. I'm not really looking for granny level normal maps...
  15. 3rdStoryline

    Solved Whats the difference between ISCube and Cube?

    Whats the difference between ISCube and Cube under Shapes? Never really understood what 'IS' Means at the begining of certain Shapes.
  16. 3rdStoryline

    Question Is there a way to make an object return to a parented position after letting go of it, like a slingshot?

    Let me explain a little bit about what I mean here. I want to make a collision trigger basically slingshot back to its original position (parented to a joint) after moving it away. Is this doable?
  17. 3rdStoryline

    Question Variable Trigger example? How to use?

    Hello, I've been using VaM for a year or two now, and I've gotten fairly versed in it. However, one thing I haven't quite figured out yet, is how to use variable triggers, and what exactly they are used for. There have been a few times where I could have used a "If this, then That" controller...
  18. 3rdStoryline

    Double UI feature!

    Dunno if this has been suggested. But please, there has been so many times where It would have been useful to have two separate UI windows with two different atoms interfaces at the same time. Even just having another one for reference purposes. There has been many times where I have used...
  19. 3rdStoryline

    Question Will starting up VaM on a 4k monitor affect VR FPS?

    I have yet to do any extensive testing. However, I've noticed my FPS in VR, since buying my new 4k monitor, feels more sluggish then normal. Like frame drops in odd places. Like If I look at someones face my frames drop more then usual, but looking anywhere else its closer to the rate it was at...
  20. 3rdStoryline

    Question Dual Node CustomUnity Asset?

    So I have no idea what to call it. The goal: I'm trying to make a Hose with physics, and be able to attach each end of the hose to two different locations. I know how to make assetbundles, and how to rig up the hose with physics, however the only thing I've been able to achieve is the ability...
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