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UIAssist (Free)

Plugins UIAssist (Free) 2.19.2

New Features:
  • New button operation to load mocap files created usying Everlaster's MocapSwitcher plugin. For Patreons, this allows random mocaps from a folder to be loaded to a target atom.
  • New sequential filename option for Saving Presets operation. If a preset of the selected filename exists already, a new file with a sequential unique number will be appended.
  • Options to scale and adjust the position of the UI in Desktop mode
  • Option (Patreons only) to include subfolders when using file selection mode options such as 'Random from Folder'.
Bug Fix:
  • Resolved issue with Load SubScene operations. If there was no Custom Target Group for Subscenes, then no valid targets would be listed causing errors.
  • Resolved issue with AddonPackages paths when using the Alphabetical filename sequence from Folder and the random filename from Folder. This was using an "absolute" path for the var which would make the button operation invalid if the VAR was moved into a subfolder.
This the first 2.x release of the Free variant of UIAssist. The plugin has been rewritten almost from scratch with multiple improvements. The most significant new feature is the UI for setting up Button functions has been completely re-designed to clearer and easier to use. There is now in-built context sensitive help on every screen and control. A tree browser view allows quick navigation around the grids and screens:
Screenshot 2022-02-25 174605.png
The paid version (https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/uiassist-patrons.187/) now allows for multiple operations to be setup for each UIAssist button (as well as other exclusive features).
UIAssist v2 is now available for Patreons as a Beta release. It includes:
  • Multi-operation buttons. Each button can now be configured to perform multiple operations.
  • Completely re-vamped and improved plugin UI for setting up UIAssist
  • Lot of other minor refinements and improvements
  • New Button Target option to allow the user to select a specific atom when more than one atom of a type is in the current scene. E.g. Load Appearance Preset to Female Atom where there are two females in the scene will now give a UI option:

if only one female is in the scene, then the preset will immediately load to that person.
  • Bulk create buttons - create a new screen of buttons based on a folder of presets. All presets in the folder are automatically created as buttons.
Bug fix:
  • Fixed errors being generated when loading a Pose preset to a Male atom
  • Fixed issue in Desktop mode where for certain screen layouts the right hand buttons were rendered off the edge of the screen
New Features:
  • Apply heel adjustments to motion capture animations. Allows heels to be worn on models when the motion capture was recorded without heels.
  • New button feature to quickly switch to a specific UIA screen of buttons
  • Import Quick Launch buttons from other UIA profiles (Patron only feature)
  • Navigation buttons to access first and last screens
New Features:
  • Import mocaps direct from source scene files and apply to a person atom with a single button action. Similar to the Everlaster MocapSwitcher plugin - but without the need for an intermediary mocap file.
  • Set the Wrist Watch UI Opacity when the UI is closed and on the wrist in VR. Opacity can be set as fully transparent/invisible.
Bug Fix:
  • Fixes performance degradation (introduced in 1.19) when using the Plugin Bool Toggles.
  • Fixes errors and UI lock up when using Active Clothing Editor, and Leap Motion control was enabled - but no Leap Motion device was connected.
New Features:
  • Heel Adjust feature now allows editing of Heel colliders within the plugin rather than using Prestigitis Heel Adjust plugin
  • Integration with PluginAssist
Bug Fix:
  • Reset Scale or Appearance was causing VAM to freeze in scenes containing large mocaps
Minor Bug fix release:
  • Fixed issue introduced in v1.18.0 that prevented plugin settings being initialised
  • The button state (e.g. on or off) for Plugin Bool Toggle buttons is not initialised correctly
  • Fixed plugin settings for Session plugins were leaking into other non-session plugins when initialising plugins
New Features:
  • Button operations to adjust World scale
  • Button operation to teleport player to a customisable position e.g. move to a position in front of a target person
  • Auto enable/disable Leap Motion when putting down or picking up a VR Controller
Bug Fixes:
  • Adjusting world UI Scale in VR doesnt change the Wrist UI scale
  • Saving a legacy Pose button operation now works
  • Option to use Latest VAR for plugin loads works more reliably now
  • Fixed crashes caused when loading a UIA Profile that switches the Wrist watch from Right to Left hand.
  • (Patrons Only) When using the select preset from folder option in VR, the Keep Open option on the File Selection dialog now works
  • (Patrons Only) Fixed an issue preventing non-person atom spawning when selecting a preset from a folder.
New Features:
  • Toggle Preset Locks - rapidly allows appearance changes to persist between scene loads. Useful for changing the look of atoms in a merge load sequence of scenes.
  • Suppress Preset Locks for UIAssist Preset loads - allows preset loads to optionally ignore the Preset Lock settings
  • Import Buttons - allows a screen of buttons to be imported from a saved UIA Profile file.
  • Options to force disable the "Freeze Physics on Grab" options when loading a new scene or adding a new person.
  • Suppress Scale Change (Patrons only) is now a persistent setting that can be saved in a UIAP file
  • Fix for removing clothes by Tag as part of Merge Clothing Presets feature.
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