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I was supposed for fix stuff, I didn't fix stuff, now stuff is fixed (drop down height was being clipped)
- Fix all triggers being deleted when resizing the animation
- Fix crash when pasting a clipboard entry with made on a triggers row on a time without a keyframe
- Fix storables popup clipped
- Avoid shaky curve line when very near zero
- Fix issue where controllers would not register changes after playing a non-looping animation to the end
- Fix issue where controllers would not register changes after playing a non-looping animation to the end, effectively ignoring changes on controllers
- New animation from current frame will not copy length, loop and next animation anymore
- Improve layer split naming
- Remove target now also removes it from all clips of the layer
- When rewiding a non looping clip, play it to avoid confusion about whether the plugin is playing anything
- Fix animations drop down not in sync after deleting a layer and only one remains
- Avoid a crash when opening the Add Animation screen and the next animation is invalid
- The "Play if not playing" trigger should play the current animation when others are playing
Major features

- Layered animations (e.g. independent breathing, emotions and movement animations, each with their own sequences and events)
- Triggers (play sounds, transition colors, activate unity assets and anything that's triggerable!)
- New and greatly improved UI (collapsible panel, scrollable dope sheet and right panel, reorganized screens, screen dedicated to layers playback)
- Syncing of atom animations without the controller plugin (by animation name, supports layers)
- Allow curve types on start/end frames and on float param curves
- Much better curves viewer with labels and stacked views
- Support for parenting in animations (set your controller to on and choose a parent controller and everything will be relative to it)
- Per-animation speed and weight (strenght of the animation versus external forces)
- Storable actions for speed, weight and play for each animations (much easier to randomize speed or trigger specific layer animations on collisions)
- Animation curve in-game preview so you can quickly visualize the animation curve
- Controller plugin in-game view now supports all features, so you don't need to open the atom plugin screen at all
- Mocap import in sync with the animation, for both controllers and morphs!
- Re-orient whole animations easily on all frames or a subset of frames in bulk mode
- Import and export animations, including presets support for sharing your breathing, dancing and talking animations

Minor features

- Automatically create/sync animations in all other atoms with the same name, length, etc.
- Better blending and support for more than two animations blending at once
- Support blending with other forces
- Increased physics reliability
- Remove all keyframes button
- New curve types
- Merge load support
- Support animating rotation-only or position-only controllers
- Support lazy loaded float params (plays gracefully before they are ready)
- Reduced memory and improved performance
- Relies on VaM's Play/Edit mode instead of providing a "locked" mode
- Fixed resize modes, they now actually work
- Dope sheet is now scrollable in VR
- Dedicated "delete keyframe" button
- Dope sheet now allows selecting a specific keyframe by clicking on it, and select more than one using the ctrl key
- Multiple animation keyframes issues are auto-fixed
- Many, many more small fixes and improvements, I just lost count!


- Support me on Patreon and get early access to newer versions and new plugins, and shape Timeline's future: https://www.patreon.com/acidbubbles
- Check out the detailed documentation on the wiki: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/timeline-3-wiki.860/
- Get started quickly with the video tutorials: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/timeline-3-video-tutorials-beginner.903/
- Ask the community and share your creations Acidbubble's discord: https://discord.gg/VtUpPkb
- Correctly update animation name when renamed
- Fix animation drop down not in sync when shown in controller (e.g. when adding an animation it won't show up)
- Allow ignoring restore errors in controller atoms (e.g. when merge loading scenes when only some atoms are actually animated) - this is temporary
- Fix scrubber text showing old values
- Reduce text update rate (slight perf improvement)
- Add transition button (automatic creation of transition animations)
- Shortcuts between sequence, add and edit animation screens
- Allow toggle off on bogus transition scenes (from legacy versions)
- Auto-select control when it's the only controller target in the add target screen
- Major performance improvement when changing the animation speed every frame
- Big performance improvement with the Edit and Lock UI
- Show "Locked" in the scrubber when locked
- Preparation work for a full floating UI!
- Go to Edit after creating a new animation
- Disable keyframe toggles on first/last frame
- Group cut/copy/paste to gain curve space
- Toggle for more options in target frames (increase range, decrease range, default values, go to controller)
- Slightly better bounce curve
- Always show curves when there's only one target
- Import overwrites animations if they are empty, or create a new one in case of conflict
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