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Plugins Timeline v6.4.2

- Feature: New Paused storable (will unpause on play and on scrubbing)
- Feature: Deleting the last frame of a non-looping clip will change the curve type to copy previous
- Feature: Add a Speed storable for animation groups (group/*)
- Feature: Include control position/rotation toggles directly in the controller target panel (thanks @unnamed_plugins)
- Feature: Allow recording Comply keyframes when grabbing control (thanks @unnamed_plugins)
- Improvement: Let Comply controls settle for a few frames on the desired final position when scrubbing and stopping
- Improvement: Do not preserve loops unless both the source and target clips are loops
- Improvement: Disable auto record stop when importing (thanks @unnamed_plugins)
- Improvement: Improved mocap import defaults (thanks @unnamed_plugins)
- Bug: Fix triggers panel misbehaving when moving between atoms in Controller plugin
- Bug: Fix float param not carrying copy previous curve type and clearing second to last keyframe after resize
- Show the main UI when opening Timeline using Keybindings
- Fix resize float params carrying the "Copy Previous Keyframe" mode in the second to last keyframe
- Use delta time for better animation timing with low framerates (still no better than VaM physics though)
- Close the edit trigger panel when the time changes or when the UI is closed (fixes Controller sometimes stuck with the triggers UI behind)
- Bring back support for VaM 1.19
- When a plugin label is assigned to Timeline, show it in the Controller plugin
- Right-click on previous/next frame to move by the "snap" value, on -1s/+1s to move by 0.01s and on -0.1s//0.1s to move by 0.001s. This can be useful when fine tuning animations. Thanks to @via5 for the pull request!
- Fix to still support Virt-A-Mate 1.19
- Fix "delete all animations" in advanced keyframe tools that was still showing the deleted animation data in the dope sheet and curve viewer
- Fix crash when creating animations from a clip without number suffix when clips with number suffixes also exist
- Button to rebuild animations and realign all quaternions
- Fix master animations not propagating since the last release
- Fix speed blending being done from all animations instead of just the blended layer
- Make "preserve loop" make the animation switch at half the blend duration for smoother transitions
- When starting an animation from a master timeline, ignore preserve loop settings to ensure both run at the same time
- Clip speed blending (much smoother when blending between clips with different speeds)
- Fix split selection to another layer
- Do not stop running animations until no other animations are queued (fixes animation sequences sometimes stopping unexpectedly)
- Analog keybindings for animation scrubbing (Keybindings plugin)
- Now supports the Keybindings plugin! (still in private alpha, 34 commands are available, from navigating keyframes, to editing and navigating the UI)
- Fix for the float params recording not working
- Fix mocap import looking robotic due to the curve not being calculated after import
- Fix mismatch with animation length and last imported frame in fixed mocap import
- New option to disable the paths when selecting controllers - thanks @via5
- Fix stop and reset not sampling the animation frame
- Actually stop the playback when no animations are playing
- Fix scrubber behavior when playing from a storable
- Fix scrubber behavior when scrubbing during playback
- Fix StopAndReset not updating the dope sheet
- Avoid setting very close values during flat animation to avoid triggering physics reset on rescale
- Show multiple atom timelines on controller (floating ui) on load
- Better message when morphs won't load in an old VaM version
- Fix preserve loop and randomize time settings not carried when creating new animation
- Allow multiple Timeline instances on atoms in the controller UI
- Add missing keyframe data when importing (e.g. with LFE's face mocap for head movement)
- Fix mocap import issue with last frame returning to initial pose in some cases
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