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Timeline 3 Video Tutorials (Beginner)

Guides Timeline 3 Video Tutorials (Beginner) 2020-07-20

Thanks for the tutorial. The time in the animations is always slower then the realtime. e.g. 1 second in animation is 2 to 3 seconds in realtime. What is the reason for? Hardware?
Acid Bubbles
Acid Bubbles
Timeline uses game time, not real time, so you're able to scale up or down timescale in VaM and get both Timeline and physics slow down together. But if you didn't reduce time scale, it should be 1:1. Maybe also check if the clip speed or global speed was changed? If this doesn't help, reach out on Discord or start a forum post and tag me :)
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Concise Guide to help Add life to a character
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Quick, simple, efficient. Perfect for beginners. Excellent for advanced users who doesn't know all the features.
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