• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
Subsurface Scattering Skin & Better Soft Shadows (Out Of Beta)

Paid Plugins + Scripts Subsurface Scattering Skin & Better Soft Shadows (Out Of Beta)


  • This update add Oculus Runtime Headset Support.
  • Added some warning and suggestion in error log.
"main.Failed to load shader",

this error occurs when different plugin version/location is used in same session(save scene and restart vam to fix this).

btw user can extract VAR package and select script from there too if issue is not solved!

Thanks for support.
Screensh221ot 2021-12-10 164533.jpg

This Update Significantly Remove artifact near Hair & Scalp / Tight Cloths.

When artifact shows within few frames they are removed.

Both Desktop & VR mode and Tessellation benefit from this fix.

its not 100% Fix yet.
Higher Resolution/MSAA & 1.5x Super Sampling is recommended for SSS Skin.

There are two new sliders -

Artifact Removal Latency - maybe useful depend performance & fps.

Artifact Removal Pixel Bias - maybe useful depend on vr mode's resolution /super sampling.

Don't Change this sliders if there are no issue. Default values should be enough for most system. you will not notice any changes if your performance/resolution is already sufficient.

Removed Downscale Sliders because there don't work correctly in vr mode.

Note - Extract var files again if you are using extracted script.

Thanks for Support.
Fixed Assestbundle/Shader loading error. changed assetbundle location from hardcoded path "Custom/Scripts/Hunting-Succubus/" to pathToScriptFile api.
(User should delete any extracted loose files if error is not showing anymore)
Fixed Tessellation not working for some user. This is not Freezing/Crashing fix.
I will work on proper tessellation fix next month.

Added Experimental ScreenShot Camera Support.

Load SubsurfaceScatteringSkin_HuntingSuccubus_Beta5A_ExpScreenshotCameraOnly.cs to another plugin slot.

Screenshot preview will not show sss effect but saved screenshot will have sss effect.

I will add proper ScreenShot and Window Camera in next version.

Subsurface Scattering Skin works with every type of light - Point, Spot & Directional Light.


download (1).png
  • 1. Fixed Load Scene Error, plugin should load correctly when loading a saved scene.
  • 2. User can load Load custom SSS/Subdermis Texture. Place PNG,JPG textures here - "Custom\Scripts\Hunting-Succubus\" and load them in plugin.
  • 3.Toggle to Compare SSS Skin with Original skin. (Using 50-50 black & white texture as SSS texture.)
Next Update - Point Light/ Spot Light Support & maybe improve Tessellation.



Screenshot 2021-10-08dfgg 022536.png

1.Added Tessellation Support. i wanted to work on point light but so many people wanted Tessellation.

2..Fixed Female Feet.

3.Fixed Male Genitalia & Hips.

4..Added toggle for Use Diffuse Tex for SSS.

when using Tessellation Tight Cloth may create artifact, set Cloth Material's render queue greater then 2520, ***It will also disable CLOTH SHADOW.

Suggestion - Dont make her wear cloths, Jesus Christ
Added Picture of Exaggerated SSS Effect
SSS Skin now work in VR mode.

next update - bug fixes.

Resolution downscale control quality and performance.
Blur Iteration does not make big difference.
Scatter Distance and Scatter Intensity makes Big Difference,
Soft Depth Bias you should not change, its only required if you change character scale.
SSS Map is using current Diffuse map as input(if not using any map, then its look different) and that's why Subdermal Scatter Color has less effect.
Color Affect Direct can make it more effective but i dot recommend it.
I will add Decal Map as SSS Map input in next release so user can manually control which part should have what effect.
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