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It's a Yard Work Life

Scenes It's a Yard Work Life

I expected something great, but this is tasteful and professional, seriously I am really impressed! The level of detail is astounding, and the quality of everything is excellent. Seriously, hats off!
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Amazing. I would love to see a continuation of this story. Maybe she has a daughter that lays out topless and things develop from there. Or maybe the husband comes home and stealthy naughtiness goes on while he’s distracted.
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Are you a wizard?
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I think my comment about the characters names came across as harsher than I intended, but this is a super welcome update! Thank you much!
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For all that this scene contains it has worked more fluidly than others that may have attempted such a dynamic scene. Thank you for your time in putting this together, PetaZwega! Top 3 as far as my choice in favorite scenes with depth to them. Don't see this being eclipsed anytime soon.
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omg that was amazing... I think maybe one of the best things that I have seen in VAM... so creative, no glitches... wow, thank you ... consider me a patreon and second now!
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A top notch production from start to finish. This must have taken ages to put together!
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The whole presentation was pretty cinematic. simple short story.
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This is the best I've seen and is the exact type of content I love to see. Only thing missing was a massive creampie. Fantastic work. This is the kind of content I'd love to create myself but just don't know how.
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lit asf fuck, now we need some doggystyle creampie
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The best scene creator on VAM. Great work!
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the best !
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Amazing job !!! Thanks.
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This is an incredible piece of work. Stunning and just top quality all the way.

The way you use camera and dialog to move the story forward very inspirering, and frustrating to someone like me who wants to make something like this, but is a total amateur about this.

Well done!
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INCREDIBLE! Like seriously amazing, never seen work like this!
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Highly polished/professional.
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Great scene but does not include the Bikini, only an error message where the bikini used to be,
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The amount of effort pour into this scene made a top notch high quality and divine vam scene thank you PetaZwega
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Pushing the envelope with this again! There were a lot of moments I was simply stunned and small things of joy (for example the music and logo in the "leaves collecting" minigame. If you are looking for an erotic masterpiece in the VaM world with substance and tons of tiny details made with love this is for you!
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