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    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
Whats New

- Added alternative Environment "Juicy Peaches"

You can switch between the 2 Clubs with the top right button https://imgur.com/HSqLsrD

(Except in the LITE version of the scene)

The 2nd environment is slightly uglier but performs better (10 more FPS on my side)

- Added and adjusted CheesyFX's Shake It

Its activated on default. Also its somehow very lightweight and I did not notice any frame decrease when its activated.

You can toggle it on and off here on bottom right https://imgur.com/HSqLsrD

- Added the option to strip girls tops on touching her boobs

This works on all premade clothing presets (and will work if you use the same tops in your clothing presets)

To activate the stripping function you have to touch right nipple first, the touching left nipple triggers clothing sims.

Also it has a separate layer for the bra, so if there is a bra under the top you have to touch right nipple again to strip it.

Here is a little video demo how it works: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/fragrantdismalnudibranch

- Added toggleable LightFX and FOG

Thanks to Sally Whitemane's SoundFX plugin and Xstatic's FOG asset I have been able to add some effects to the scene :D

You can activate those via the bottom toggles: https://imgur.com/ymsOArh

Also if you toggle LightFX, when the Disco Lights are active you need to restart the Disco Lights for LightFX to work. Here is a video demo what I mean: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/rotatingtwinwolf

- Added new UI-Assist preset

The previous preset was outdated, so I made a fresh one. Its similar to the one in VSR.

The preset file is inside the VAR. Here is how to add it to the scene:


- Added BJ-SFX from VSR

I replaced the previos 1 audio loop with the SFX from VSR. Also I have added the Speed & Depth randomizers


- Made an additional LITE Version

This lightweight version should primarily get you more frames. Also it most likely loads faster aswell.

In this one I removed LightFX, Choking, 1st Club Enviro, Behaviour Randomizers, Close Distance Sphere and Actions, Collider to mess up Girls Hair, Speech Recognition, Cumshots.

Also the Animated Crowd is deactivated by default (they eat up about 7-10 FPS on my side) and Boob Soft Physics is deactivated aswell (also about 6-9 FPS more this way)


- Switched to VaM internal LipSync

Also you can adjust the lip and jaw movement with the sliders under the GirlUI


- Removed Touch Movement Toggles

Worked not that great imho. Also this way I could delete several plugins to free up RAM and reduce loading time.

- RealGaze Adjustments

Added some triggers and adjusted some parameters, so the girl looks away less when you are close to her on the dancefloor

- Fixed 2 Animations starting at the same time when girl comes to the dancefloor

This was happening when the scene got started with some of the slowdances, which resulted in a very weird behaviour

- Improved Reset of Dudes Right Hand on BJ

The reset of the Active Dude from BJ position did not properly work for some people, so I tried to fix it. I could not reproduce the error though, so I am not sure if this fix helps. If not PM me :)

- Close Distance Sphere Buffer (only on DF)

Made Close Distance Sphere only appear on the Dancefloor and when the girl is sitting

- Deleted Cum Trigger on Penis

There was a collision trigger to initiate cumshots on dudes dick for Possession Mode, which kinda was not working that well (dude was shooting around every couple of seconds), so I deleted it

- Changed Pole Missi 1 position a bit

Girls shoulder was hitting the pole too much on the original position and it looked crappy

- Adjusted Girls HipThrustForce on some positions

The previous thrust forces were too slow

Here are the positions which have been adjusted:


Missi A1b, A2, A2b, A4d, A3b, B5
Doggy A8, B5, B6

- Reduced HipThrust increase on choking

The previous increase was a bit too much.

- Activated some voice reactions to the boner

Added some phrases which girl says when she sees a dick (similar to VSR)

- Remade the L3 Lighting Effects mechanic for Poledance

They look the same, I just changed the previous mechanic which has been using a cylinder with a cycle force to an empty with linear animation

Whats New

- Remade Start of the Scene (again)

Now you can choose which song should play from the start, or press RNG ► for random song.

- Added some new Songs and Dances

The song menu is now split into 3 columns. The first column with "Agua", "Palm", "Castle", "Lalala" has tracks with scripted dancing.

In the 2nd column are songs with similar bpm's and attached slightly randomized dancing loop, where the girl randomly starts dancing (if she wants to kinda ;D)

The 3rd column contains slow songs and dances. I made different trigger mechanics on those. On "Wicked" and "Taste" there are triggers which force the slow dance and on other 2 songs its more random.

- Added a simple Slow Dance mechanic

When the girl starts dancing on slow songs (the ones from right column) this button appears: https://imgur.com/CTuvQtq

Clicking it teleports the dude to her (In possession/non-active dude mode just float to her)

And thats all! xD Well she reacts a bit to it and also the hand nodes are getting turned off, so you can grab her by hands in VR (when you possess dudes hands). Did not rly have an idea what to make here for desktop playability.

- Added 2 new Outfits to Clothing Presets

And also modded 2 another outfits


- Added 2 more buttons to release the Dick

They appear in front of "Insertion" buttons when the Dick is not yet released: https://imgur.com/e8oGOKM


- Removed the Root Node from Dudes Pose Presets

There is only one single Pose with saved root node. It activates when you fully reset the scene (double arrow).

- Fixed the Reset from BJ

Resetting the scene, or switching to Poledance from BJ was not working properly, now it should be fixed.
Whats New

- Rework of the Clothing Presets

Thanks to CaseEP's and atani's idea and VAMStory plugin from hazmhox I have been able to get rid of the weird loading start of the scene.

Also thanks to the suggestion from turboleak on discord, I made some pics for the presets and it looks waaay better now https://imgur.com/HIDqQsj

- Remade Start of the Scene

Now the scene begins a bit randomized and one of the 4 tracks with dancing animations start playing.

- Added Buttons for Active Dude navigation

Also the Active Dude version starts a bit different now. Its a bit clunky to explain so just check the following video for this:


I tried to add a little bit of a build up with this and the following

- Added some Randomized (NPC like) Behavior to the girl

When the girl is not dancing and you are not interacting with her, she makes some random stuff. Its not much, but still gives a bit of immersion and build up imho.

She does not do that from the start, cause I did not place triggers there, otherwise she sometimes would skip the dancing part.

So the fastest way to come to this section from the start is to wait until she dances and then reset to dancefloor https://imgur.com/gARvGAJ or make her sit down.

Its actually something which I planned for the scene inside the big flat, which I converted a while ago. The club does not give much room for different non sexual activities, but I thought its still a nice addition.

- Added new Animations for the Girl

Now she can go back to the dancefloor from the sitting positions and the main sex positions (doggy1 and missi1 on chair and doggy2 and missi1 on couch)

The button for this is located just near the sex buttons: https://imgur.com/KzKIRbv

Make sure to make room for her to do this, cause she is reckless and will run you over, when you are in her way.

Also I have added some alternative animations for when the girl is undressed, so she does not do this again.

- Added some new Expression Presets

Thanks to one of my patrons I just recently noticed that there is a newer version of Expression Randomizer around. For now I made 2 new presets for non sex expressions. One for normal part and one for presex part. Maybe I do some more for the next update :)


- Made a trigger so DATM Pants disappear after undressing

They were weirdly influencing the physics when in simulated state

- Put the Lights on to "Linear Animation" Logic Brick instead of Anim Pattern

Also I changed the color of the left light (invisible light#3) on chair part

- Changed wrong Preset file on one of the Undress buttons

The Undress button above the couch had wrong preset file attached

- Fixed the switch from Girl HipThrust back to PenisThrust not working

One of the triggers was empty and now this is working
30.06.23 Update

Whats New

- Clothing Presets Menu with 18 Premade Outfits

All these 18 Outfits also work with the stripping parts of the scene! (when the girl undresses shirt, skirt, panty, bra etc)

Also I have added buttons to undress the top or bottom parts of each outfit https://imgur.com/SFqVlc1. These Buttons needed functions from VaM 1.21+ and only work with the Clothing Items from Clothing Presets.

The "My Presets" Menu
for your own Outfits is changed aswell, so it does not interfere with the presets you made for VSR. So when you save the presets for the Club scene please use "c1-c18" instead of "1-18". https://imgur.com/Q5l9mqz

The "Cheeky Heels" Button merge loads the Buttcheeks Clothing Item for Spanks and the Heels from Harley Heels, since this scene is made for High Heels ;D


Here is a short Tutorial with some help videos for it:

1. When you dressed the girl how you want to, save the preset under c1-c18: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/lawfulblackandwhiteamericancrocodile

2. Prior to saving your presets for this scene, make sure that the cheek marks and heels clothing items are saved with your preset pressing the "Cheeky Heels" button like in this clip: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/niceeasykestrel

Otherwise her butt will not get red from spanking and animations will look weird without high heels.

Also keep in mind that the stripping of the clothes (on poledance or when the girl undresses panties for example) only works with the clothing items from "Addon" menu: https://imgur.com/4QZuob6

So consider taking these clothing items when you make your own presets ;D


The Clothing Presets Menu changes its location depending on where the girl is at. At the beginning its on the right side like in the above pic. On the Dancefloor and Poledance part its over here: https://imgur.com/EPMnafF

And on the Chair and Couch parts its here https://imgur.com/SN1Cwfe and here https://imgur.com/XtIq2g1

Also all Resets do not load the Clothing Preset file anymore. It only resets the Physics of the current clothing. So if you dressed the girl how you like, she stays that way :D

Only the "Undress" buttons, UIA command and speech recognition command loads the "Nude" Preset.

- "Look Mode" Toggle

Same as in VSR I have added this toggle, if you want the girl to not change her Eye Target: https://imgur.com/CrTCtS8


- The Music Async on "Dancefloor Reset" should be Fixed

There was a weird issue regarding Music became out of sync on Dancefloor reset. I figured it was mainly happening, when camera teleported fast over longer distance.

To fix this I relocated the "Spawn Point" where Camera Spawns on pressing "POV-Off" Button. Now its right above the dudes head https://imgur.com/IVKLKfP

- Made 2 Scene Json Versions with and without "Speech Recognition"

18.06.23 Update

Whats New

- Mechanics and Additions (from VSR)

VSR took very long time to make, therefore I had to take the good stuff from there :D So the following features are now inside the Club scene aswell:

Choking, Talking, Improved Micro Movements, Improved Spanking, Touch Mechanics, Vaginal/Anal & Hip/Penis Thrust Switches, POV Adjustments, More Facial Expressions and UI-Improvements.

- Close Distance Sphere (experimental)

This is the newer mechanic from this clip, which I showed you a while ago. Its for VR/possession gameplay only and therefore deactivated at the beginning. To enable this sphere you have to turn off "ActiveDude".

It still does not have many functions yet. I was not able to play properly in VR, so I postponed improving this sphere. I will try to add more functions to it for the next update though.

- 3rd Light Source

I have added directional light to the scene. You can find it over here: https://imgur.com/HalY7OO

There are no triggers which change it so you can adjust it how you want to or turn it off completely.


- Adjusted Transition Animations

I changed the speeds and weighting on pretty much all transition animations. They are now good bit faster.

- Buttons for Spank Buttons

- The Spank Buttons are now deactivated by default and can be turned on and off via the according buttons in the main UI: https://imgur.com/4cEX58c

- ButtPhysics Turned Off on Default

- GluteSoftPhysics are now also turned off at the start on the default girl.

Also I removed the automatic triggers, which turned butt physics off and on.

- Reworked UI

The UI is now more like in VSR. I think it is more accessible and intuitive this way.

- Reworked Jukebox

Thanks to improved LogicBricks I could get rid of many elements of my old jukebox (like VUML and several ActionGroupers). Now its very lightweight. Also it does not break anymore when you switch a chosen (yellow) song.

- Several other small changes

Boner anmation is faster, Penis is less shiny, Changed some morphs on a default girl
- Added AXnop's Animated People
- Modified and redesigned the preview post - No new version!
- Added UIAssist Preset with 16 commands for easier access/navigation
- Adjustments and additions to Randomized Micro Movements

Added movements to the BJ and all Pole Sex Positions and adjusted them on some other positions. Also added some new movement types

Here are some previews:

- Return of the buttons for stopping Dudes thrusting and enabling Girls hip/chest thrust on Active Dude
- Addition of float param randomizer to girls hip thrust for more variety on sex parts

Here is a little demo clip of the above stuff:

- Less random physics explosions

Disabling Dudes soft physics brought more stability on sex positions

- Lighting adjustments on pole sex positions
- Randomized Micro Movements

Preview Clips:

Currently there are 18 different cycle force once plugins attached to the different parts of the girl. They are getting randomized by MacGrubers randomizer logic brick, which is being separately triggered by 2 random loop logic bricks.

I have added them to the chair and couch sections. There are only 3 positions (doggy5,doggy7 and missi2b on the chair) where I disabled the Micro Movements for now, because girls pose is to fragile (needs more adjustments there)

- Cumshot

With help of hazmhox's fluids101 plugin/asset you can shoot around :D

Preview Clip:

- New Voice Commands

"Boner" and both "Reset" commands are added to MacGrubers Speech recognition plugin.

- Some fixes

Spanking spheres not working for possession mode after resets
Right hand was stuck after dA6b in possession mode
Deactivated collision on the couch pillow for almost all missionary positions, because of head bobbing
- Reworked ActiveDude on Doggy positions

Penis Alignment gets deactivated on penetration and I increased some physics on girls hips, so it should be more stable and look better

- Added some QoL buttons and UI adjustments

After you press play to start the scene, there is new button to make the girl instantly move to the dancefloor skipping the intro part at the bar counter: https://imgur.com/OJMtmkh

She idles on the dancefloor a while and starts dancing after some time.

There is also a button to skip the poledance, so you don't need to wait through it to get to the pole sex positions https://imgur.com/goinvWH

Also I have moved "Insertion" UI a bit, so it should be better accessible now https://imgur.com/F4GVvE6

For the time being (until I get them properly working) I removed this button https://imgur.com/VXO9hP3 and the one which has been below. They kinda were more in the way then useful. I have to adjust them a bit until they come back.

- And at last I have added MacGrubers' Speech Recognition plugin.

Added some voice commands to the main parts of the scene. I have tried to add different languages, but only tested in english and german, which worked pretty good.
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