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Finally got a chance to check out this dress and wow, great work. The fit is very nice, the simulated dress part works great, I had to adjust the thickness and offset a bit to hid the nipples but otherwise really great work. The jeans you did are also top notch. thanks for sharing and hope you share more.
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Very lovely dress. Thanks so much!
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Sexy! Thank you!
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Well done! So Sexy and realistic. Love the Leather Jeans you also did too!
Awesome way to make an appearance and an excellent impression. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. 👍
thank you very much :)
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Thanks for the dress, it looks awsome! But i can only give 4 stars because of the nipple problem. Quick tipp to fix it: Increase the mesh resolution around the nipples by sbdividing that area. Depending on the base resolution subdiv 1 time, shrink the selection and subdiv another time. Since you don't have sim in that area there should be no problems.
@VAM121... There are presets! A scene is definitely not need in my oppinion since it just blows up the scene library.
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ooh nice!
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Awesome, very nice dress. Thank you for sharing for free! :)
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Wow very nice. Thanks.
If you provide presets and an example scene it will be even better.
But beggars cant be choosers so thanks for creating and sharing.
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Nice dresses! But no matter which girl I choose, their nipples are always peeking out of the dress! Any special physics setting required?
disable nipples morph
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Really nice and perfect fit.
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Nice dress ! Thank you for sharing
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