CUAManager v.1.11 - Quick buttons
* Fixed a bug that disabled all auto load triggers using the same morph when removing one auto load trigger using that morph.
* Added quick canvas buttons. Quickly access VAM's appearance preset, clothing preset and CUAManager's Append/Replace/Remove actions for the selected person while in Edit mode.
You can adjust the layout and position of the buttons in desktop and VR mode. 3 different layouts available: Stacked, Horizontal and Vertical. Adjust it to fit your personal preferences and other plugin interfaces.
OBS: To see the quick buttons while editing the layout make sure to select any person atom in the scene first!
You can disable the buttons in the plugin's interface by unchecking the quick-buttons options.
I added these to minimize amount of clicks. Normally when I change appearance and clothing I have to select a control node of a person, select the root node, select the appearance/clothing preset tab and then click the "Select existing..." button. That's at most 4 clicks.
With the quick buttons I only have to select a control node of a person and then click the quick button. That's at most 2 clicks and less moving around the pointer in VR.