Filmed with RTX. The specular colors increased for filming purposes, they are a bit toned down in the final result.
Port of Simple Room by AngryKarakuri
- Contains custom GI for proper specular reflections. Set to an empty atom so you can change it if you want to.
- PostMagic loaded to "PostMagic" atom, only Bloom enabled.
- Scene contains the room + four lights. Recommended to run at least four lights in VAM settings.
- Scene has quite a few reflections, 5 total. I tried optimizing them, but if you run in to performance issues, just remove a few of the windows / floor.
If you want to change the GI for a different atmosphere, follow this guide. All you need is to snap a picture of your scene, open Unity and build a new GI, then replace the one in the scene.
Special thanks to Hazmhox, the wizard. <3