Karen and Janet is in Early Access. This means that you'll get to follow along in the development of it as I release more scenes! There are many planned scenes to come! After Early Access is done, this will be released to the public. Early Access is estimated to be done on Feb 15 2021, but I reserve the right to take more time if needed.
This project is very near to my soul. Karen and Janet are two characters I've been working on for a long time and this is their latest iteration. They are middle aged, bitter and starved. Sometimes they help each other out. Most of the time they fight.
Karen and Janet requires SCAMP's Boys to work. Download that and its dependencies: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/scamps-boys.2802/ This update IS DEPANDANT on Hazmhox' VamMoan https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/vammoan.3134/ and MacGruber's LIFE https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/life.165/
UPDATE 01, Jan 27, Janet's Pillow Humping Scenes were added.

UPDATE 02, Feb 13, Karen and Janet get lesbian while you watch.

UPDATE 03, Feb 19, Karen's WILD masturbation weekend party!

UPDATE 04, Feb 24, Invisible man Roleplaying scenes

UPDATE 05, Feb 27, Karen and Janet fuck the same guy together.

JOIN MY DISCORD https://discord.gg/yrtcGrNFhf where I share news, updates, free stuff and talk a lot of shit.