Requires VaM v1.20 or newer
JointCorrectEEBased on Joint Correct v11 (by @FallenDancer) which this plugin depends on for the morphs.
The main improvement is the addition of multiplier sliders for different parts of the body. You can now adapt the plugin to work with basically any look by cherry-picking the adjustments you want and weighting them however you want. The slider values are naturally saved with the scene/preset and can be triggered.
Another improvement is futa compatibility. Use Female Morphs on Male must be enabled. All morph groups work except for Genitals.
By default, the plugin disables morphs "LCollarY-026", "LCollarZ+050", "RCollarY+026" and "RCollarZ-050" in the Collar Bones group - these morphs can have a significant effect on breast shape, which might be undesirable (especially when the plugin is used with TittyMagic, but in general as well).