How about an option to set creators as "favorites" and filter for their content?


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Wiki Contributor
I am a patron of 3 or 4 creators, and it would be convenient to be able to filter paid content to view their material.
On the resources page there's a "filters" dropdown at the top right, so you can already search by creator. But it would be nice not to have to search each creator individually just to see if they have anything new.
Along these same lines, There is an option to follow creators which seems to do absolutely nothing. I was looking through the preferences in what you can be notified for and there is just about everything under the sun other than notifications for when your followed people do anything (like post new content).
Along these same lines, There is an option to follow creators which seems to do absolutely nothing.
I think it feeds your personal news feed. However, that page is so hidden I don't think anyone is actually using it:
When following a creator I would expect email notifications for new resources as all as existing resources being updated. Essentially a watch on all resources of that creator.
I think it feeds your personal news feed. However, that page is so hidden I don't think anyone is actually using it:
When following a creator I would expect email notifications for new resources as all as existing resources being updated. Essentially a watch on all resources of that creator.

Yeah, had no idea that existed. That does have a bunch of useless info too, like I don’t need to know everything the person I follow reviews or comments on.

It would be nice if you could add an alert specifically for “followed creator new resources” to the list of possible alerts found here:


I don’t think alerts for followed creator “updates” are necessary as you already get those for any item you have downloaded, but new content there currently is no alert for.

Filtering options for the news feed would be good too (didn’t notice any on mobile).
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Aww @DJ -- it took 4 years, but next week there will be a "Followed" filter that will allow you to see only resources from creators that you have followed. Sorry it's so late!! ??
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