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SubScene Lighting Rigs

Lighting + HDRI SubScene Lighting Rigs


Active member
Featured Contributor
n00rp submitted a new resource:

SubScene Lighting Rigs - A collection of 3 point lighting setups using the new SubScene atom

The new SubScene atom is a great way of saving and re-using lighting setups between scenes, or even quickly switching out lighting setups within the same scene for a different look. This is a collection of lighting rigs suitable for mainly dark and solo/couple model scenes.

Simply add a SubScene atom to your scene...

View attachment 11500

Then move the SubScene atom to the centre of the characters head. I really like the effect you get when you link the subscene to the neck...

Read more about this resource...
Can you just upload the var and the var.depend.txt directly to the Hub instead of wrapping in a zip? This would make it work more seamlessly with in-game downloading. You would also get the special Hub-Hosted VAR tag if you do this. Thanks!
I will need to figure that one out! I’ll give it a go.
It is pretty easy to change. Go to the Overview tab of this resource. Click the 3-dots menu at top right. Click "Change Resource Type". Upload the var and var.depend.txt files directly there. Fill in the var version number. Click Save.
It is pretty easy to change. Go to the Overview tab of this resource. Click the 3-dots menu at top right. Click "Change Resource Type". Upload the var and var.depend.txt files directly there. Fill in the var version number. Click Save.
Its the Var creation I need to learn :)
Oh I see. :)

Yeah that is a bit more involved, but here is the gist of it:
1. Open the Package Builder in VaM
2. Click Add Directory ...
3. Find and select the Custom/SubScene/n00rp/Lighting_Rigs folder
4. Type in a Package Name (probably Lighting_Rigs)
5. Click Prep Package
6. Fill in rest of fields (Description, etc.) however you want.
7. Click Finalize Package
8. You package should now be in the AddonPackages folder
will you also release the look from the screenshots? she looks beautiful!
There are three looks here. I'm afraid there are way too many paid resources to share. All skins are the amazing work of @RenVR . The looks are pretty much a mix of a lot of morphs from @Alter3go @Niko3DX @VirtualREM and a couple of free ones from @kevinBurinn, Paranaux and @Xstatic . I tend to make them slimmer than the default. Be subtle with the morphs and they are your friend. I'm fine art trained and took a lot of life drawing classes....finally paying dividends! :cool:
There are three looks here. I'm afraid there are way too many paid resources to share. All skins are the amazing work of @RenVR . The looks are pretty much a mix of a lot of morphs from @Alter3go @Niko3DX @VirtualREM and a couple of free ones from @kevinBurinn, Paranaux and @Xstatic . I tend to make them slimmer than the default. Be subtle with the morphs and they are your friend. I'm fine art trained and took a lot of life drawing classes....finally paying dividends! :cool:
They are all really great. Beautiful and realistic. If you can't share those, i just hope you'll one day make a look based on free skins and morphs. I would imagine that creators would even allow you to use their morphs, if you ask nicely.
n00rp updated SubScene Lighting Rigs with a new update entry:

New high-res screenshots added

Having just discovered @MacGruber 's SuperResolution plugin, I thought I'd try it out to demonstrate what good lighting can do for your models. Also helped by terrific skins, mainly from @RenVR and the Asian skin from @Niko3DX. At these resolutions you can really see the astonishing detail that goes into these skin creations.

I hope to upload a .var of the lighting rigs soon, aswell as a Look, once I get around to creating one from free...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I will need to figure that one out! I’ll give it a go.
A good tutorial on how to create a .var file
Start at Practical VAR creation exercises 22:24
or watch the whole video to get a better understanding
The looks are great. It be nice if you can still release the look. whoever wants to purchase the required .var can go ahead if they want to.
The looks are great. It be nice if you can still release the look. whoever wants to purchase the required .var can go ahead if they want to.

Anything I release will be free. @meshedvr suggested it would be better packaged up as a var, so will figure out how to do that.
@meshedvr suggested it would be better packaged up as a var, so will figure out how to do that.
The video I linked is a tutorial on how to package and create a .var. Thought it might help you.
There are three looks here. I'm afraid there are way too many paid resources to share. All skins are the amazing work of @RenVR . The looks are pretty much a mix of a lot of morphs from @Alter3go @Niko3DX @VirtualREM and a couple of free ones from @kevinBurinn, Paranaux and @Xstatic . I tend to make them slimmer than the default. Be subtle with the morphs and they are your friend. I'm fine art trained and took a lot of life drawing classes....finally paying dividends! :cool:
The looks are absolutely stunning! I believe a lot of people here already have all these paid textures and morphs. Is it possible for you to share only json files for looks without any resources included? Maybe even not as a full fledged release but just a link to the json files.
The looks are absolutely stunning! I believe a lot of people here already have all these paid textures and morphs. Is it possible for you to share only json files for looks without any resources included? Maybe even not as a full fledged release but just a link to the json files.
I will eventually get round to sharing a look. It will be FoC, but just need to find time to package her up.
Are your 8k screenshots done with built in lighting only or is there some kind of plug-in you used, like post magic?
Are your 8k screenshots done with built in lighting only or is there some kind of plug-in you used, like post magic?
All with the built in lighting. I have run the screenshots through Photoshop however to improve the contrast and colour balance. Skins also make a big difference.
I see, okay. I've always done my own lighting so I was just a bit mind boggled at how great those shots looked. Thanks.
I just assumed that you used PostMagic cause it looks like there is some depth of field in the screenshots.
I just assumed that you used PostMagic cause it looks like there is some depth of field in the screenshots.
Ah, yes....sorry. I added bokah in PS aswell. Good spot. Essentially though, the lighting setup is straight out of VaM...I've not adjusted the character of this.
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