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Any ideas for scenes?


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Hi everyone,

What kind of scenes would you like to see?

I remember last year when I made my first scene; a simple idea was the motivator to start learning how to use some of the creation options in VAM. From then onwards, new ideas kept pushing to learn a little more, experiment, and actually really enjoy - also much pain and anger there - the process of getting from nothing to a working scene.
  • Perhaps you don't know how to make a scene yet, and a good idea is what you need to get started?
  • Maybe you know a lot and are looking for new ideas?
  • Or you don't have time to make them but you're full of ideas?
Then do share your thoughts on what kind of scenes you'd like to see on the Hub.

In no way I'm promising to make scenes that are suggested, but if I like the idea and have the time perhaps I'll give it a shot. No promises in quality also, this stuff is difficult to make and I'm lazy.

Keep in mind the Hub has specific rules for content shared, see Terms and Rules, specifically section 9.
But just because the Hub can't host it doesn't mean you can't suggest the scene idea:
I started working on a scene with a Star Wars theme, Anakin and Padmé during their time away somewhere I can't remember. It's been a while since I saw... Episode 2?
Long story short, that's when he's young, getting lots of feelings for Padmé, troubled with the Jedi dogma of no attachments, the start of Sith influence, something like this. I don't even know if it will be possible for the Hub or how it will go, but that's the idea for now.
Had this scenario in my head for a while:

A friendly relaxing 'zen'-style scene on a beautiful beach. (Yeah a scene not in the dark like the most - imagine that!)
Palm trees, clear blue sky, warm sun, no music, no noise - just the sound of waves and birds chirping.

The scene would start with a couple discovering a secluded spot on the beach.
In a (short!) intro the camera would show them walking there. They immediately both have the same idea.
This is the perfect place for some quality time! So they start teasing each other ...

After the intro the user gets to pick from a numbered menu what he wants to do.
The numbered menu is to allow manual control over the scene - while still being able watching the scene in a somewhat intended order.
It would be classic boy/girl animations with a build up > foreplay > sex. No weird stuff/fetishes.
All animations would have to be loops with POV (posses, eye contact) in mind that you can exit any time.
So you would have for example a menu like this:

1.1 dance
1.2 breast play
2.1 finger her
2.2 blow him
3.1 doggy
3.2 cowgirl
3.3. reverse cowgirl
The menus are somewhat similar to old style interactive porn DVDs like "My Plaything"-series by Digital Sin or "Virtual Sex"-series by Digital Playground.

But I think to get a good atmosphere in a scene like this - one would have to make a really good beach environment first. (sorry - the ones on the hub are 'meh' quality) There should at least be animated waves, palm trees slightly moving in the wind, etc - good attention to detail - but not overkill for performances reasons. One would have to find creative ways to block of the secluded beach spot to keep the environment small and the performance good.

I don't expect anyone to make this lol - and you know how it is - everybody has different tastes - I probably would have to make this myself to really like it ... just lacking the some of the required skills to do it (Unity Asset creation & porting + Animation).
Might take a while, but little by little perhaps it can be reached.
For the sex part I have shared some basic actions as a template to be added into an environment. They're basic, but easy to improve and adjust to new scenarios, and come with menus to pick the action and during it. Perhaps an option to get the ball rolling and make the full scene challenge less daunting?
I would like to see a club or cafe simulator for when you just want to sit and people watch. You are sitting at your favorite bar watching the pretty girls passing by. Some go to the counter to order, or to meet friends and walk away, some just pass, maybe look at you and smile (or frown cause you are staring too hard at their boobs). There is no sex in this scene, although if a girl stands close enough you might get a good glimpse or even grab an ass...

As the girl walks out of the scene, it will trigger an appearance change (actrandomizer), so when she reappears it is someone else, maybe one of your favorite appearances from a year ago. The key to this scene is the random actions. Using locomotion system, look at triggers for reactions, and I hope, mocap animations of different actions like chatting, idleing, etc. 2 or 3 girls moving about is probably enough, especially if they change appearance often.

I did a scene like this of a club scene with girls walking around as the viewer sits at a table. Girls will randomly approach and smile or do a little action before walking off in a random direction out of view, where they would change to someone else and approach again from another direction. Having the scene lit properly (as in fairly dark), with CUA people in the background and video player playing good club music made it a pretty good scene for just hanging out in. If someone could improve on this concept with lots of good animations that play randomly it would be interesting.
Would you like to share the scene you made?
If it can't be on the Hub, perhaps in Discord

I'd be happy to share it at some point, but since I have never shared a file on the hub or elsewhere, I need to learn how to do it properly and probably modify the scene a little in case of any copyright material (music, etc.). To be honest, there is nothing groundbreaking in the scene iteself, and only took a few hours to make. The only thing I would call innovative was using idleposer plugin on the "empty" atom that was used as a target for locomotion plugin. You can have the empty atom move around randomly to various locations and the person will follow it. This is cool for something like a bartender moving around the bar, or waitress (topless of course :) walking around on the floor from table to table. A more advanced version of this scene would include more triggers so that when the person reaches a target (such as a chair) she would sit, or another person comes close to another person, stop to talk, etc.. For example when a person approaches the bar (a random chance of it happening), the bartender will approach, play a short animation or even random dialogue, and when the person walks away, the bartender will resume her duties walking around. The challenge would be to do it elegantly without collision triggers everywhere, and in a way that it could be always added to and improved upon. Like this you could have a scene that feels alive and active, and something you would want to go back to since it would always be different. With the plugins available at the moment, this kind of scene is quite possible.
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