1 - Beacuse i like to be in control of anything!

I don't work on single specific animation scenes I rather prefer to have a virtual space with various "tools" to play with the model in a much more free way. It's my playground and, being in VR is part of my fantasy. I don't look for a perfect simulation of real life... I like it to be fantasies. In time... I understood that fantasies and real life are different things and there are things that are exciting only because they are fantasies. Just think about non-consensual sex, it's a very common fantasy for many mens however one thing is getting exicited when thinking about that in your fantasy, and a whole other thing is getting excitied by thinking to do that things to a real women.
This topic is very very wide and I thinked about it for years but now I'm digressing and this is just an example. The point is: I like versatility.
2 - Please add an option to disable it. I understood your will to build a complete suite but... i really like the eye behaviour of Glance and my setup make use of Gaze to make the model looks at various points. However I'm really curious about your implementation of this functions.
3 - I've disabled the voice functions and I'm driving VAMMoan through RML stimulation triggers because VAMMoan:
a) Can use the VAM Atmosphere Reverb Zone.
b) Have a higher volume (don't know why).
c) Gives me more control (see my point number 1).
I'll check about that displease threshold.
4 - It seems that disabling and re-enabling those plugins, works. I'll report if I found other related things.
And now... time for new questions! (yes... I'll be your nightmare...

Q1 - About dripping pussy and cumming dildos. I've seen this things happen rarely and I don't know how to tigger them. Is there some setting somewhere?
Q2 - Sometime I see the stimulation level rising very fast just inserting a dildo or a finger in the model's lovely holes. She will even have an orgasm without moving them. Is this intentional? Other times, I'm having a real hard time making the stimulation level rise. I think that in general I like this behaviour but I'll like to better understand how it works.
And... that's all for now. I'm having some epic moments thanks to your plugins... so... thank you again for your hard work!