Wiki Article 07. Security Tab

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User Preferences / Security Tab

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The security tab is where you can choose what content is allowed to run within VaM. By default all of these options are Off. This information is initially presented to you on the “First TIme User Startup Page” and you must opt in before running any third party scripts, addons or accessing online content from within VaM.

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“Each of the settings on this page have implications for application security and privacy.
Before enabling any setting below, you must hover over the “?” icon next to the setting and read the implications and risks of the setting.
By enabling any setting here, you are accepting all risk and liability for using that setting.”

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”Enable Plugins (Mods)” This option allows running of 3rd party code in a secure manner within this application. Code is highly restricted in what it can do, but use caution is still advised. Each time a new plugin is loaded you will be prompted if you wish to allow it or not. Please use caution when allowing code from 3rd parties you do not recognize. By enabling this option and choosing to allow specific plugins, you are accepting all risks from running the allowed plugins within this application.

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”Set ‘Always Enable Plugins’ preference for var packages downloaded directly from in-game Hub systems” Enabling this option automatically sets the “Always Enable Plugins” package preference for var packages directly downloaded from the in-game Hub Browser or Hub Downloader. After download is complete, you will be prompted if you want to accept the “Always Enable Plugins” preference for each downloaded var package that contains plugins. This option was designed to minimize the plugin approval popups that occur during scene loading, and instead move the approval process to time of download when it is less disruptive.

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”Allow Plugins Network Access” Enabling this option allows Plugins to communicate with external web sites, applications, and other network resources, Some plugins, like ones that communicate with hardware or a server, require this to be enabled to function. Use caution when enabling this as it allows plugins to send and receive data accessible by the application to and from web sites and web servers without you knowing.

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”Enable Web Browsers” This game includes embedded Chromium-based web browsers, and enabling this feature will allow scenes to autonomously navigate to specific urls when the scene is loaded, or triggered by animation or other interaction. This option also enables the user directed “Online Browse” web browser found on the toolbar. Note that enabling this option allows scenes to autonomously navigate to any site if you have also enabled the “Allow All Sites” user preference. For safety, this “Allow All Sites” option is off by default, which constrains top level url navigation to only specific whitelisted sites.

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”Store data (history, cache, cookies, etc) If enabled, the embedded browser will store history, cache data, and cookies in a folder called “BrowserProfile” in the install folder. If disabled, any existing data is removed and no longer stored.

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”Allow All Sites” If this option is off (recommended), only whitelisted site domains can be used for image and audio download or be used as the top navigated url for any of the embedded chromium-based web browsers. The whitelist domain file can be found in whitelist_domains.json file in the root folder. This can be edited using any text editor like Notepad to customize. If this option is on (not recommended), any site can be used. Note that the game can automatically navigate the embedded browsers to sites specified by a scene load or when taking other actions within a scene.

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“Enable Web Images and Audio” Enabling this will allow game objects (like Image Panel) to download image (jpg/png/gif) or audio (mp3/ogg/wav) files from the internet.

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”Disable Popup Messages When Web Features Disabled” Toggling this on is recommended when you have VaM’s web access limited or turned off.

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Otherwise you will receive a message popup similar to the one below whenever you attempt to access the web or load a scene that accesses the web.

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”Enable Package Downloader” Enabling the Package Downloader allows VaM to securely communicate with and the Content Delivery Network (CDN) for the purpose of downloading addon content in the form of var packages.

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“Enable Hub” Enabling the Hub allows VaM to securely communicate with and the Content Delivery Network (CDN) for the purpose of retrieving addon content information, images, and downloads in the form of var package.

”Reset All Settings to Default” Resets all settings in the User Preferences tab to default. This is a global reset, not just for this specific tab. Clicking this return you to the “First TIme User Startup Page
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