I'm not sure what it is that could be causing the drifting if that is the case. Usually when I create a menu I link all of the UI buttons to 1 parent UI button & have not had any issues with that, it could be worth trying as an alternative to using a cube.
In fact, I also use the same method ... I said a cube just for example.
Actually, it's like this: a (resized) cube that I use as a handle, a UI button parented with that cube, and all other UI elements parented with this first UI button. I also have another UI button parented with the cube to toggle all other UI elements.
That said ... I tried to disable all the options I mentioned in the previous post and ... it didn't work. But ... I went a little deeper into this bad behavior.
Specifically, I think I've found a way to reproduce at least one occurrence of this problem. If anyone else wants to try, here's how:
1 - Create an Animation Pattern
2 - Create a Cube atom with no collision and no physics
3 - Set the AP to control the Cube atom
4 - Create a Person atom
5 - Create an Empty atom
6 - PARENT the Person atom root to the Empty atom
7 - LINK the Empty atom to the Cube atom created in point 2 (parent link)
Now... if you look for some seconds at the Move tab of the Person atom root controller, you should see the drift happening.
- I don't know if ALL the steps are ESSENTIAL to reproduce the problem.
- My actual scene is a little more complicated than that. I have an Animation Pattern that control an Animation Pattern that control an Animation Pattern that control... etc. etc. that control the Cube atom.
- I solved THIS SPECIFIC OCCURENCE of the problem by using
@Acid Bubbles 's Rubberleash plugin on the Person atom, setting weight = 1 (i think his plugin constantly update the target Atom transforms) (thanks Acid!). The main topic problem still persist.
- This is just one way I have found to reproduce each time the problem I am having randomly with Atoms that are simply PARENTED to another Atom.
Maybe one day i'll explain you the meaning of all this mess... but, believe me that, for me, the results is very cool.
@TToby (just in case...)