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Question What is the best way to adjust dick and pus in existing scene?


Hi VaM experts.

I download multiple mocap sex scene and replaced lady with my favorite one, but since the hight is different, men's dick just won't go in her pus.
(It just slide in front or back)

So I need to adjust the position of either lady or men slightly, but when I move the person, since VaM has physics and collision, it is very difficult to adjust it.
Also, when I tried to rewind the animation at initial, again because of physics and collision, its not exactly "first position", its first timeframe with previous physics affected.
1.What would be best way to adjust dick and pus?
(Tried several plugin as well, but I ended up adjusting manually. I'm noob and would like to know easiest and most efficient way from experts experience)
2.Is it possible to temporary disable physics(collision) of dick and pus so I can adjust the position easily?
3.How can I "refresh" the scene so it won't affect previous physics?
I did additional research on person's option, and I think this is easiest way.

While dick is in puss
1. Go to "Control & Physics1"
2. Uncheck Collision
3. Check Freeze Physics

Do same

Now physics will not affect any adjustment.
Switch lady.

1.Check Collision
2.Uncheck Freeze Physics

Now men is moving but dick goes through lady's body
And I can freely adjust lady to match her puss.
After adjust the position of lady (or men)

1. Uncheck Freeze Physics
2. Check Collision

Any thoughts?
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The Divining Rod plugin on the male will help considerably with the aiming and stiffness.
When changing appearances, it's usually good to keep the same scale as the original person (Control and physics tab)
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The Divining Rod plugin on the male will help considerably with the aiming and stiffness.
When changing appearances, it's usually good to keep the same scale as the original person (Control and physics tab)

Thank you for The Divining Rod plugin information.
But about keeping same scale, there isn't feature like "keep same scale as original" kinda button right?
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Not when loading presets from VAM, but you do when loading presets using a plugin called UIAssist.
That's another plugin I highly recommend, it makes your VAM common actions so much easier to do and adds new features like the scale one.
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Not when loading presets from VAM, but you do when loading presets using a plugin called UIAssist.
That's another plugin I highly recommend, it makes your VAM common actions so much easier to do and adds new features like the scale one.
Thank you for advice! You are awesome!
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In case you haven't tried:
You only need the plugin for setup, then you can remove it from the scene. So no dependency, if you don't want that.
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In case you haven't tried:
You only need the plugin for setup, then you can remove it from the scene. So no dependency, if you don't want that.
Many thanks. Driving Rod worked like a charm. I'll have a look at Auto Cock as well.
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