they have disappeared ?

did something happen?
I have answered questions like this here:
To elaborate a little, here are some common reasons for someone to be banned:
1. Repeated posting of underage material or incest, or hosting underage models on your Patreon and linking to your Patreon from the hub
2. Repeated posting of violent content involving rape, brutality, or necrophilia, or hosting this content and linking to it
3. Repeated warnings for harassing other users, getting angry in the forums, starting fights, racist or offensive speech, etc
4. Repeated warnings for using NC content or for renaming someone else's content and selling that content for your own profit
5. Creating duplicate fake accounts to boost your own "reactions" and reviews, give yourself 5 stars, and violate the "3 paid posts per week" rule
6. Getting banned and then creating a duplicate account to sneak back in
7. Being caught pirating other creators Patreon work by uploading it on pirate websites
Only the last two (#6, #7) can result in an immediate ban with no warnings. And even then, we have sometimes given second chances.
If you want details on why McZippy might have been banned, it would be best to contact them directly. Or, they can give us permission to share our reasons.
In the end, even if they were banned, we still respect their privacy and cannot share the details.