Question VR height issue - Default height too high


New member
Hey there!

So my rig is an HTC Vive 1st gen, and I'm trying to get the hang of VaM. I've got some modding experience so learning came quick, however there's an issue I cannot resolve that I've been after for hours on hours.

When in VR mode, the area that my actual headset is reading is far below the actual height. I look up, and I can see the "indicator" that shows where the headset should be positioned. However, I sit, and the only way I can get to that height is by standing.

I have tried adjusting height in game, but it doesn't bring that marker closer to me. It makes aligning for scenes impossible in VR. I've also recalibrated through SteamVR multiple times and in different configurations for room space, both room and just "standing/sitting" modes. I've tried putting my height in manually, only marking the height that I would be at when sitting. None of this has worked.

If anyone has any insights, I'm all ears. I'm quite stumped, and appreciate all of you!
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