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vibration support morphs with example and model

Morphs vibration support morphs with example and model


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
ParticlePinnacle submitted a new resource:

vibration support morphs with example and model - impact animations

Some animations for the stomach, butt, legs to let them vibrate when triggered along with a squish animation on the butt, its possible to just import them on timeline and then animate them with triggers either by collision, or by adding a trigger to timeline to play the separate layers. For best results, change the speed of the vibration/squish animation(s) or shorten them. There's a model (monica, below) and scene attached, for some reason it only works if monica is the one selected in...

Read more about this resource...
Just wanted to report that this is missing "VIB morphs" but otherwise.....great work!
Scene file has references to non-var files which spam the error log when the scene is loaded:

!> Clothing item Custom/Clothing/Female/particlepinnacle/juliet starling scrunchies higher ploly/juliet starling scrunchies higher ploly.vam is missing
!> Clothing item Custom/Clothing/Female/Bowsette Cuffs/Bowsette Cuffs.vam is missing
!> Plugin file Custom/Scripts/prestigitis_aimConstrain.cs does not exist
!> Error during attempt to load assetbundle Custom/Assets/island house.assetbundle. Not valid
!> Error during mp3/wav import Could not open: file://./Saves/scripts/E-Motion/Sounds/Breath_Mouth_In1.wav
!> Error during mp3/wav import Could not open: file://./Saves/scripts/E-Motion/Sounds/Kiss_Mmm2.wav

Just letting you know.

I'd recommend having a separate clean installation of VAM just for testing that the scene loads without errors before releasing it. :)
ah... yeah acidbubbles said the same thing, the problem is that C# drives me up the wall and I have no clue where to start
ParticlePinnacle updated vibration support morphs with example and model with a new update entry:

vibration morphs as a subscene

so, with the latest update to timeline, its possible to add in vibration morphs as a subscene, I have the improved impact morphs as a subscene and some walking morphs as a subscene to add some jiggle to the thigh, stomach, arms (i just did the arms for the impact morphs) breasts, idk, I have the morphs but, my feeling is that you can do physics settings which directly compete (do a better job vs) breast morphs.

Read the rest of this update entry...
vam noob here didn't get how to use this. im thinking of using it in a sex scene!! can please make a short vid tutorial for noobs? thnk u so much!
vam noob here didn't get how to use this. im thinking of using it in a sex scene!! can please make a short vid tutorial for noobs? thnk u so much!
ah, just label your models "model 1" and "model 2" then set up the collision trigger, I'll try and do a capture of me importing a subscene
Is it possible to apply this to our own persons into our own scenes? I see the timeline and how it works, but it's locked that that particular atom (model1 or model 2)
Is it possible to apply this to our own persons into our own scenes? I see the timeline and how it works, but it's locked that that particular atom (model1 or model 2)
yeah, that's what i built it for, you just need to have your atoms named "model 1" and "model 2" when you load the subscene in, afterwards you can save the subscene as your own, rename models, etc
Ah darn, in the scene i'm building, the person is in a Subscene, and therefore the name "Subscene/model 1" wouldn't work =/, thanks for the reply
Edit: looks like opening the json file and renaming all "model 1" with "A/Person" worked for me (A is the name of the subscene)
Edit: looks like opening the json file and renaming all "model 1" with "A/Person" worked for me (A is the name of the subscene)
ouch, i would have said switching off the parent and renaming to model 1 would work, but you found another workaround o_O
Hey I love the idea, but unfornuately it doesn't seem to work, at least for me. I load the scene, no error messages, but the buttons are dead they do nothing for me,I click them but no vibration :C. Any ideas, am I missing some file or something like that? This plugin would take my animations to another level
Also I tried exporting the animations, but when I try to load them I get an error saying that: "Loaded animation for empty but current atom is Person" and it doesn't load, thank in advance for any help
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