vibration support morphs with example and model

Morphs vibration support morphs with example and model

forgot to update the sliders... my b
added a fix for dropping framerates, I'm not sure what's going on but this fixes it, I'll detail it in the description
had to rebuild a few morph anims i noticed they just stopped working
my b, I was pointing the animations over to non addon package morphs and forgot to change the model names back to model 1 and model 2, also... switched it over to a morph pack
so, with the latest update to timeline, its possible to add in vibration morphs as a subscene, I have the improved impact morphs as a subscene and some walking morphs as a subscene to add some jiggle to the thigh, stomach, arms (i just did the arms for the impact morphs) breasts, idk, I have the morphs but, my feeling is that you can do physics settings which directly compete (do a better job vs) breast morphs.
included the VIB morphs that let the legs shake this time, in a seperate .var
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