Hi does any of you guys have idea why unity assets vamiefier disables emmisive data from CUAs?
i try with many cua and effect is always the same. unity assets vamiefier is awesome iteself but maybe it can be fixed ?
if im right same goes for multi vamiefier plugin (exact name ive forgotten).
Plugins + Scripts - UnityAssetVamifier
NoStage3 submitted a new resource: UnityAssetVamifier - Converts Unity materials to support VAMs GI system. Instructions and further information: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35042892 Read more about this resource...

i try with many cua and effect is always the same. unity assets vamiefier is awesome iteself but maybe it can be fixed ?
if im right same goes for multi vamiefier plugin (exact name ive forgotten).