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Trouble tracking down origin of morphs


Well-known member
Preparing a package left we with the following reference warnings:

"hadReferenceIssues" : "true",
"referenceIssues" : [
"reference" : "Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/male_genitalia/Genitalia_Reloaded-Lite/bigpenis.vmi",
"issue" : "FIXABLE: References local file not included in package"
"reference" : "Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/male_genitalia/!Custom/Sh_Height.vmi",
"issue" : "FIXABLE: References local file not included in package"
"reference" : "Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/male_genitalia/!Custom/Sh_Length.vmi",
"issue" : "FIXABLE: References local file not included in package"

Does anyone know where these came from? I can't really find anything about Genitalia_Reloaded-Lite, and I'm not sure what added the Sh_ files into the VaM\!Custom folder (different from the regular "VaM\Custom" hierarchy of folders/files).

Just wondering if I can include them with my VAR, or if I can link to them somewhere, or if I'm just better off removing them from the scene so I don't have to deal with them.


Answered one of my questions:

"uid" : "Spacedog.Import_Reloaded_Lite.2:/Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/male_genitalia/Genitalia_Reloaded-Lite/bigpenis.vmi",
"name" : "bigpenis",
"value" : "0.6164544"

That can definitely be included, because that's a CC BY, and Spacedog has even gone so far as to say no credit is even necessary.

However, the other two are still a mystery:

"uid" : "Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/male_genitalia/!Custom/Sh_Height.vmi",
"name" : "Sh_Height",
"value" : "0.9289037"
"uid" : "Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/male_genitalia/!Custom/Sh_Length.vmi",
"name" : "Sh_Length",
"value" : "0.346276"

From old days (pre-.var) with morph imports and stuff.
It's super common to have 'AUTO' folder or 'custom-something' folder inside "..person/morphs/xxx/"
These days inside morphs UI those (local/custom) are colored blue and .vac scene morphs (transient) yellow (same thing, different install location).
...and var referenced morphs (package/custom) are pink (as you already know).

I would suggest to avoid using those blue/yellow morphs on looks you wanna upload (unless it's your custom morph).

Try investigating by opening .vmi of those morphs (inside notepad), it might give some clues about origin.
Look at group/region area (example: "group" : "Real World/Shape Shift/2Lower Body", or "group": "Hip_Reloaded" or "group" : "_MorphMerger", )

I would just remove references and try not to include (redistribute) those 'unknown' morphs.
But if you can't recreate them using built-in morphs (or using hub hosted stuff), than morphMerger is alternative.
or upload them...it's up to you. ?‍♂️
Cool, thanks for the info, @RandomVAMUser! I didn't know that .vmi files were just regular text files. Looks like they came from "Genitalia_Reloaded", which I'm having a hard time tracking down the creator/link to that also:

"id" : "sh_heig",
"displayName" : "Sh_Height",
"group" : "Genitalia_Reloaded",
"region" : "Genitalia_Reloaded",

"id" : "sh_len",
"displayName" : "Sh_Length",
"group" : "Genitalia_Reloaded",
"region" : "Genitalia_Reloaded",

I decided to just zero out those morphs, use some other built-in morphs instead, and upload my scene. I appreciate your response. Learn something new every day... :)
Don't think you gonna be able to find it on hub (i mean 'full' reloaded morph pack).
...and reloaded_lite is without genitalia morphs (aside from 2 male_gen, lots of full reloaded stuff is missing...i guess you could get if from EasyMate)

...after some digging i found this old reddit post
bottom of paid morphs (56 male genitalia morphs)

...so, could be part of this?
Sh_C_Spongiosum, Sh_Flat_Top, Sh_Girth, Sh_Girth_Base, Sh_Girth_XL, Sh_Height, Sh_Irregular, Sh_Length, Sh_Massive, Sh_Taper"
Yeah, that could be it, or perhaps it was installed as part of another "VAR" that was in ZIP format and when I unzipped it I permanently exploded it into my directories. ( I learned early that going with VARs is the best bet. A lot easier for people to migrate or cleanup stuff... )

I don't recall downloading that though. Perhaps I was doing some late night VaMming. haha :ROFLMAO:

My "clean" VaM doesn't have it, so it was definitely something that I somehow added after the fact. Probably best to just avoid using them and then I know I won't be violating anyone's license. Trying my best to keep everything 100% legit.

Thanks for looking into it with me. I appreciate the help!
If you have issues to find the origin of some morphs, or if you are using some copyrighted morphs, or partially dialed-in full body morphs from other creators, aso,
I personally would suggest to use Morph Merger to create your own full body morph.

If you want to share your very own look, personally I even would prefer a single full body morph over a big bunch of loose morphs I might already have, or being part of large dependencies I might not want to download.
Though, I sometimes like to get some new and unknown morphs from Var packages, but I hate to have all those double entries, too, which are unneeded and will slow down VaM while piling up.
With adding loose morphs to your Var, you will probably either add double entries, or you will have an higher number of dependencies. Personally, I try to avoid downloads with many dependencies.

I know that many users like to have loose morphs instead of a single full body morph, to maybe have more options for editing the looks. But from a practical point of view, full body morphs have many advantages, too.
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Thanks for the suggestion, @TToby! Just so happens for my next model I started playing with a full body morph I exported from Daz. I added additional morphs in VaM though, so I'll have to look into Morph Merger. So much to learn, but I think I'm doing fairly decent for only using VaM for a little over 2 months so far...
Morph Merger is a very simple tool, compared to others. It is more or less pressing one-two buttons.
Maybe you would like to have a look at this, too.
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