as you maybe allready know, VaM is importing clothes from DAZ in a different way. It is no 1:1. It tries to connect vertices/points on the figure's surface with nearby vertices on the clothing item.
It is not perfect, and sometimes this doesn't works very well. Especially the crotch region is always somewhat critical!
An other function of the VaM clothes wrapper is, that it tries to connect nearby vertices of the clothes, so that clothes item with several sub-parts doesn't fall apart.
If I look at your example pictures, both of this functions could maybe cause this issue: The outermost vertices of the clothes upper leg-guards may be too close together at the inside legs, so that the clothes importer has stiched them together.
Without changing the clothes' mesh, or maybe using the (paid) DAZ Decimator to reduce the overall polygone count, you could try to adjust the wrapping options on the VaM import process.
On the main tab of the clothes importer, you will find some options at the lower left part around the option that reads "..nearby vertices". You may be successful with changing those values.
Though, some DAZ clothes unfortunately just doesn't work very well.