Question The best possible PC/parts to run Virt-A-Mate at high/max settings, without going overkill?


New member
I started poking around with building my first PC. But i realized that i can definitely over spend on a CPU that might be far too powerful for Virt-a-mate (unused cores, from my understanding) and get diminishing returns on a monster PC that never gets fully utilized.

So is there any information i can find on what is the best type of hardware i'd need to approach running VAM at max settings? Not looking for a Pixar move rendering rig of course. In terms of GPU and CPU together, $1000-$2000 being the budget.
Get the best single core performance CPU and throw in a GPU that fits your budget, the faster, the better. 32GB Ram and there you go.

You'll never be able to run VaM 1.x maxed out with really good performance. Maybe with new gen CPUs, probably not.
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