• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Success!! Pico motion trackers inside Vam, tracking is now fixed !!! (two part guide)


New member
the first part of this guide is aiming at fixing detection of pico trackers inside vam, or ANY openvr SteamVR games (like blade & sorcery)
another part which will extend this guide will add more information beneficial for troubleshooting pico trackers or any other tracking system not detected in Vam. (second part in progress)

8 points tracking working./ all you have to do is put some files in some folders.

update 3:

video demostration of the fix:

1:/ hardware/software requirements:

this guide was made using:
+ pico 4 (standard) firmware 5.11
+ pico tracker app ver. 2.0.1 (2.0.1 is the native/system version wich was downgraded from 2.0.2 for compatibility with DK tracker/ which is not needed if you have 2024 trackers)

+ DK tracker ::aka:: beta motion trackers (not the new 2024 trackers ::aka:: trackers 2.0, but they should work)
+ pico connect 10.2.7

2:/ pico_tracker_profile.json:

the main operation is to restore/reconstruct missing files/folder in pico connect folder,
or construct them manually copy/paste.

go to pico connect folder
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\"
open with notepad: "pico_tracker_profile.json"
(the "tracker types" block/struct should look like this don't change anything, what it does say that steamvr is looking for variable path "ressources" which is {pico} in this instance)

"tracker_types": {
"TrackerRole_Waist": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_waist_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_LeftKnee": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_left_knee_profile.json",
...................................this is an example........... don't copy..................
"TrackerRole_Chest": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_chest_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_LeftElbow": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_left_elbow_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_RightElbow": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_right_elbow_profile.json"

in my case the swift folder was missing ("C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift")

3:/ the missing "swift" folder:

next, if it's missing, create the 'swift' folder. (C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift)

inside the swift folder should look like this, with basic tracking points.
C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\legacy_bindings_vive_tracker_handed.json
C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_chest_profile.json
C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_left_foot_profile.json
C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_left_shoulder_profile.json
C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_right_foot_profile.json
...................... list is incomplete..............................etc.................

now if you want you can create those files here is an example: of chest profile.json
"jsonid" : "input_profile",
"controller_type": "vive_tracker_chest",
"input_bindingui_mode" : "single_device",
"input_bindingui_right" :
"image": "{htc}/icons/vive_tracker.svg"
"input_source" :
"/input/power" : {
"type" : "button",
"order" : 1,
"binding_image_point" : [ 90, 80 ]
"/pose/raw" : {
"type" : "pose",
"binding_image_point" : [ 100, 90 ]

construct and rename manually the required json files inside swift folder,
or just download the attached json files.

4:/ replace the files with new ones:

i attached everything please observe the path and update accordingly to the location of you instal folders.

"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\legacy_bindings_vive_tracker_handed.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_camera_profile.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_chest_profile.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_keyboard_profile.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_left_foot_profile.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_left_knee_profile.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_left_shoulder_profile.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_right_foot_profile.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_right_knee_profile.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_right_shoulder_profile.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\pico_tracker_waist_profile.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift\vive_tracker_handed_profile.json"
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\pico_tracker_profile.json"

How to test:

now for the testing, turn off steamvr and steam, start of clean.

with you pico 4s/ultra heaset on,
pair your trackers & calibrate your trackers,
connect to pico connect server from headset,
launch steamvr from headset,
they should appear in steamvr's list of devices as green/blue boxes,
once you are inside steamvr landscape you should see them tracking/moving as white square boxes,
assign for a start just 3 points trackers in steamvr overlay (chest/left foot/right foot leave the rest disabled for now),
restart steamvr after reassignements,
back on steamvr landscape
from steamvr overlay desktop view launch vam preferrably from openvr.bat, (lauching from .bat is cleaner)
if this is successfull you should see the tracker white/grey boxes inside vam right away,

UPDATE 2: please redownload all updated files

this guide is about detection, please do your tests and report back, thx.
you can return and reassign trackers and test other configurations to look for what is working and what is not working correctly,

to have 8 trackers assign the follwoing in steamvr tracker manager:
feet > feet
camera. & keyboard. > knees
waist > waist
chest > chest
shoulders > elbows

Inside Vam:

with embody plugin loaded run the wizard,
align the nodes..
from that point on i can't help you out i don't have much experience with embody tweaking..

.. this guide is only aimed at detection.
the second part of the guide will be more detailed about how steamvr operate to initiate trackers in steamvr install folders and configuration files...of course to the extent of my knowledge.

rejoice now pico users !! you have unlocked the access to cheap standard tracking inside vam,
of course if you are an experience user you can do much more with hybrid tracking. maybe object tracking capabilities of pico motion tracker can find new uses :)

to all the friends from owomushi discord channel, thx for assisting me.


  • Screenshot_com.picovr.picostreamassistant_2024.09.26-
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  • Screenshot_com.picovr.picostreamassistant_2024.09.26-
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  • pico_tracker_profile.json
    2.6 KB · Views: 0
  • legacy_bindings_vive_tracker_handed.json
    6.3 KB · Views: 0
  • pico_tracker_camera_profile.json
    2.2 KB · Views: 0
  • pico_tracker_chest_profile.json
    462 bytes · Views: 0
  • pico_tracker_keyboard_profile.json
    2.3 KB · Views: 0
  • pico_tracker_left_shoulder_profile.json
    470 bytes · Views: 0
  • pico_tracker_left_knee_profile.json
    466 bytes · Views: 0
  • pico_tracker_left_foot_profile.json
    466 bytes · Views: 0
  • pico_tracker_right_foot_profile.json
    467 bytes · Views: 0
  • pico_tracker_right_knee_profile.json
    467 bytes · Views: 0
  • pico_tracker_right_shoulder_profile.json
    471 bytes · Views: 0
  • pico_tracker_waist_profile.json
    462 bytes · Views: 0
  • vive_tracker_handed_profile.json
    1.4 KB · Views: 0
  • actions.json
    6.3 KB · Views: 0
  • binding_holographic_hmd.json
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  • binding_rift.json
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  • binding_vive_cosmos.json
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  • binding_vive.json
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  • binding_vive_pro.json
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  • binding_vive_tracker_camera.json
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  • binding_vive_tracker_chest.json
    398 bytes · Views: 0
  • binding_vive_tracker_keyboard.json
    407 bytes · Views: 0
  • binding_vive_tracker_left_shoulder.json
    422 bytes · Views: 0
  • binding_vive_tracker_left_foot.json
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  • binding_vive_tracker_right_foot.json
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  • bindings_knuckles.json
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  • bindings_holographic_controller.json
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  • binding_vive_tracker_waist.json
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If you want to make a guide, do so at Resources > Free > Guides so that it can be found more easily.
Once you do, let me know and I'll add a link to it in the Wiki Guides lists.
understood, i am revising it waiting for feedbakc once i get positive results i'll contact you, thx.
Thanks a lot, you're awesome!!

Howver, can you upload the files with changes to enable both knees also.

I did try changing json to this:
"tracker_types": {
"TrackerRole_Waist": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_waist_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_Keyboard": "{pico}/input/swift/vive_tracker_left_knee_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_Camera": "{pico}/input/swift/vive_tracker_right_knee_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_LeftFoot": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_left_foot_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_RightFoot": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_right_foot_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_LeftShoulder": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_left_shoulder_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_RightShoulder": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_right_shoulder_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_Chest": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_chest_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_LeftElbow": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_left_elbow_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_RightElbow": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_right_elbow_profile.json"
BUT knees wont show up in VaM at all. What should I do to fix? Give dummy instructions pls or the files :)
you don't have to change anything,
just assigne
left knee > to left shoulder
right knee > to right shoulder
in steamvr tracker manager.

ps: pleaes don't change "pico_tracker_profile.json"

this seems to work but not sure if this is the correct way..

Last edited:
i am working on getting camera and keyboard trackers to show up in vam, please use shoulders for knees as of now..
you don't have to change anything,
just assigne
left knee > to left shoulder
right knee > to right shoulder
in steamvr tracker manager.

ps: pleaes don't change "pico_tracker_profile.json"
enjoy :)

View attachment 413614
But then my elbows disappear: I want to have 8 points tracked, which is VaM's maximum: feet (ankles), knees, elbows, waist and chest.
i need to rethink the logic behind this please give time... i think that forcing shoulder for knees is a mistake.. please leave them empty for now.. what makes the knees should be either 'real knee IK skeleton' or free tracker not bound to IK skeleton.. maybe there is a limitation to this.. i just posted about detection.. three point tracking or four points tracking should be correct .. waist chest feet are ok for now..
please if you test report back you experience, i can't fully test this i don't have the new trackers they are a bit different not the same tracking points.. i am sure this will allow other games to be compatible..
please if you test report back you experience, i can't fully test this i don't have the new trackers they are a bit different not the same tracking points.. i am sure this will allow other games to be compatible..
Did you edit the 1st message? What was changed, what can we test and how?
the first part of this guide is aiming at fixing detection of pico trackers inside vam, or ANY openvr SteamVR game,
another part which will extend this guide will add more information beneficial for troubleshooting pico trackers or any other tracking system not detected in Vam. (second part in progress)


this guide was made using:
+ pico 4 (standard) firmware 5.11
+ pico tracker app ver. 2.0.1 (2.0.1 is the native/system version wich was downgraded from 2.0.2 for compatibility with DK tracker/ which is not needed if you have 2024 trackers)

+ DK tracker ::aka:: beta motion trackers (not the new 2024 trackers ::aka:: trackers 2.0, but they should work)
+ pico connect 10.2.7

the main operation is to restore/reconstruct missing files/folder in pico connect folder,
or construct them manually copy/paste.

go to pico connect folder
"C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\"
open with notepad: "pico_tracker_profile.json"
(the "tracker types" block/struct should look like this don't change anything, what it does say that steamvr is looking for variable path "ressources" which is {pico} in this instance)

in my case the swift folder was missing ("C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift")

in case you don't have the "pico_tracker_profile.json"
"jsonid": "input_profile",
"controller_type": "vive_tracker",
"input_bindingui_mode": "single_device",
"input_bindingui_right": {
"image": "{htc}/icons/vive_tracker.svg"
"priority": 6,
"tracker_types": {
"TrackerRole_Waist": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_waist_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_LeftKnee": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_left_knee_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_RightKnee": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_right_knee_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_LeftFoot": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_left_foot_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_RightFoot": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_right_foot_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_LeftShoulder": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_left_shoulder_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_RightShoulder": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_right_shoulder_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_Chest": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_chest_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_LeftElbow": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_left_elbow_profile.json",
"TrackerRole_RightElbow": "{pico}/input/swift/pico_tracker_right_elbow_profile.json"
"input_source": {
"/input/power": {
"type": "button",
"order": 1,
"binding_image_point": [ 345, 128 ]
"/input/trigger": {
"type": "button",
"order": 2,
"binding_image_point": [ 127, 62 ]
"/input/grip": {
"type": "button",
"order": 3,
"binding_image_point": [ 210, 100 ]
"/input/application_menu": {
"type": "button",
"order": 4,
"binding_image_point": [ 210, 130 ]
"/input/thumb": {
"type": "button",
"order": 5,
"binding_image_point": [ 88, 148 ]
"/pose/raw": {
"type": "pose",
"binding_image_point": [ 63, 148 ]
"simulation_settings": {
"hmd_profile": "vive",
"left_modelnumber": "VIVE Tracker Pro MV",
"right_modelnumber": "VIVE Tracker Pro MV",
"left_serialnumber": "LHR-00000003",
"right_serialnumber": "LHR-00000003",
"left_rendermodel": "{htc}vr_tracker_vive_1_0",
"right_rendermodel": "{htc}vr_tracker_vive_1_0",
"left_registered_device_type": "htc/vive_trackerLHR-00000003",
"right_registered_device_type": "htc/vive_trackerLHR-00000003",
"tracking_system_name": "lighthouse",
"manufacturer_name": "HTC",
"legacy_buttons": [ 0, 1, 2, 32, 33 ],
"legacy_axis": [ 1, 3, 0, 0, 0 ]

next, if it's missing, create the 'swift' folder. (C:\Program Files\PICO Connect\openvr_driver\resources\input\swift)

inside the swift folder should look like this, with basic tracking points.

if you look carefully i left camera and keyboard unnatended for people who wants to assign/map them later to knees or elbows, leave them like this.

now you will have to create those files here is an example: of chest profile.json
"jsonid" : "input_profile",
"controller_type": "vive_tracker_chest",
"input_bindingui_mode" : "single_device",
"input_bindingui_right" :
"image": "{htc}/icons/vive_tracker.svg"
"input_source" :
"/input/power" : {
"type" : "button",
"order" : 1,
"binding_image_point" : [ 90, 80 ]
"/pose/raw" : {
"type" : "pose",
"binding_image_point" : [ 100, 90 ]

construct and rename manually the required json files inside swift folder,
or just download the attached json files.
that's it.


now for the testing, turn off steamvr and steam, start of clean.

with you pico 4s/ultra heaset on,
pair your trackers & calibrate your trackers,
connect to pico connect server from headset,
launch steamvr from headset,
they should appear in steamvr's list of devices as green/blue boxes,
once you are inside steamvr landscape you should see them tracking/moving as white square boxes,
assign 3 points/trackers in steamvr overlay (chest/left foot/right foot leave the rest disabled for now),
restart steamvr after reassignements,
from steamvr overlay desktop view launch vam preferrably from openvr.bat,
if this is successfull you should see the tracker white/grey boxes inside vam right away,

PS: don't forget assigning shoulders to knees in steamvr/vr settings/controller/manage tracker.
since this is about leg tracking anyway, but beware that it is just a hack, could lead to bad results..

this guide is about detection, please do your tests and report back, thx.
(if you are successfull at showing tracker inside vam, then you can return and reassign trackers and test other configurations to look for what is working and what is not working correctly)

then with embody plugin run the wizard, align the nodes.... from that point on i can't help you out i don't have much experience with embody .. this guide is only aimed at detection.
the second part of the guide will be much more extensive, and detailed, about troubleshooting what can go wrong, in steamvr install folders and configuration files...of course to the extent of my knowledge.

rejoice now pico users !! you have unlocked the access to cheap standard tracking inside vam,
of course if you are an experience user you can do much more with hybrid tracking. maybe object tracking capabilities of pico motion tracker can find new uses :)

to all the friends from owomushi discord channel, thx for assisting me.
View attachment 413625
Is it intentional that there are no uploaded "pico_tracker_left_knee_profile.json" or "pico_tracker_right_knee_profile.json" files at all?

Yet those are being referred to in "pico_tracker_profile.json" file.
i fixed two more trackers , keyboard and camera,

feet > feet
cam. & key. > knees
waist > waist
chest > chest
shoulders > elbows

give me time to gather files a retest, and yeah i do update change the guide.. i have not yet updated the files don't download files yet wait for my update..
Last edited:
Is it intentional that there are no uploaded "pico_tracker_left_knee_profile.json" or "pico_tracker_right_knee_profile.json" files at all?

Yet those are being referred to in "pico_tracker_profile.json" file.
update is done redownload everything and test. 8 trackers, i tested it's working.

Thanks a lot! I'll test this out today :)

Also noticed this cool YT tutorial on this:
Thanks a lot! I'll test this out today :)

Also noticed this cool YT tutorial on this:
yes the youtube video was released yesterday,
the ytuber go by the name of gmolargey also a pico tester,
that was on discord owomushi channel,
owomushi is the dev from owomushi . com (pico tools/firmware repository)
also elbios an experienced vam user and on discord channel put a guide on github
it was with his help that we made this possible,
i go by the name of gmouser26 on discord,
all the community from owomushi helped,
this channel is unlike other discord channel you should join if you need help.

please post some picture showing that the tracker are detected,
and headset adn trackers version you used,
i know that this will need more tweaking from vam side to make tracking good enough..
Hey! So this is not a mocap setup with base stations. I think a video demonstration of how it behaves in vam would be helpful before people decide to invest in trackers.

Need to see: how precise it is. How, when and how often does it lose tracking. Which parts of the body work and which don't (los issue) etc.

Also you mentioned vam needs tweaks to make tracking good enough.This will not happen, at least in vam1. Please show "how bad" is vam tracking with pico trackers so that it needs tweaking.
Hey! So this is not a mocap setup with base stations. I think a video demonstration of how it behaves in vam would be helpful before people decide to invest in trackers.

Need to see: how precise it is. How, when and how often does it lose tracking. Which parts of the body work and which don't (los issue) etc.

Also you mentioned vam needs tweaks to make tracking good enough.This will not happen, at least in vam1. Please show "how bad" is vam tracking with pico trackers so that it needs tweaking.
the success title means that they are now steamvr capable with the fix, with pico connect streamer only, no VD,

this is pico motion trackers based, you need a pico 4 standard/pro or pico 4 ultra,
pico motion trackers are 9 axis imu with led infrared for calibration recentering when in view, it cannot run without headset,

pico creates estimation trackers on elbows ankle etc to populate, your skeleton,
their performance is similar to slimevr, up to 3 trackers feet+waist, can function with 2,
they have the ability to function as independent object trackers, but only 2 meters aways from headset,

the tweaks are embody tweaks, offsets mainly i am not a pro on the subject i just happened to find a fix, for something that was already implemented,
the actual precision is related to pico 4 firware updates pico 4 ultra have faster updates,

it is bad in seated position or laying position but this is fixable with firmwares,
they are not that pricey so having a couple of stock trackers with industrial grade electronics, that works realibly without breaking is nice !

you can dance walk sit animate standing position animation as long as you pico avatar is well calibratd to your real heigh along with vam person joint heights.

as of now it is possible only to do hybrid tracking via driver4vr.
join: VaM:MP on discord, there are users there who can answer you more technically.

video comparison vrc/vroid, htc vs pico tracking.
Last edited:
the success title means that they are now steamvr capable with the fix, with pico connect streamer only, no VD,

this is pico motion trackers based, you need a pico 4 standard/pro or pico 4 ultra,
pico motion trackers are 9 axis imu with led infrared for calibration recentering when in view, it cannot run without headset,

pico creates estimation trackers on elbows ankle etc to populate, your skeleton,
their performance is similar to slimevr, up to 3 trackers feet+waist, can function with 2,
they have the ability to function as independent object trackers, but only 2 meters aways from headset,

the tweaks are embody tweaks, offsets mainly i am not a pro on the subject i just happened to find a fix, for something that was already implemented,
the actual precision is related to pico 4 firware updates pico 4 ultra have faster updates,

it is bad in seated position or laying position but this is fixable with firmwares,
they are not that pricey so having a couple of stock trackers with industrial grade electronics, that works realibly without breaking is nice !

you can dance walk sit animate standing position animation as long as you pico avatar is well calibratd to your real heigh along with vam person joint heights.

as of now it is possible only to do hybrid tracking via driver4vr.
join: VaM:MP on discord, there are users there who can answer you more technically.

video comparison vrc/vroid, htc vs pico tracking.
My post was all about asking footage of vam performance, I can judge it visually without any explanations.
i do not have a recording setup but i asked on vam:mp discord for you,
this the only place where you'll find pico users who play vam. because they need trackers to play multiplayer,
ill tag you when ready
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you mentionned loss of tracking i never experienced such a thing, the trackers are robust in terms of connectivity, however drift happens when the headset cannot see (line of sight) the infrared leds on the tracker (when covered by clothes of when knees are in the way)
but when you the camera sees the trackers it autocorrect.
also it's plug and play, and reconnects through bluetooth once heaset is turned on.
I'm not using steam and connect my Pico via Virtual Desktop. So do the trackers only work in connection with steam?
I'm not using steam and connect my Pico via Virtual Desktop. So do the trackers only work in connection with steam?
yes pico connect talks to steamvr only,
you'll lose also passthrough with steamvr,

VD is not compatible.

i use two feet trackers > pico motion,
plus waist tracker > owotrack.

the skating is related to pico skeletton etsimation trackers if disabled it disappears.
hybrid tracking can help in this matter.

i understand that people are looking for mocap tracking setups,
which translates perfect movements to nodes,
but i wonder how many vive optical trackers are involved in production of said perfect mocaps,
and if actual editing of final mocaps is involved or not,

pico motion or any other imu system is not a mocap tracking setup,
it is a puppeteering tracking setup.
and you need puppeteer skills to adapt to constraints, if your aim is recording a scene,
mainly involving adapting the recipient/vam avatar's nodes to your actual tracker nodes.
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