• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Some general questions from a noob


Well-known member
Ok so new to all this and first time using 3d software letalone VR but am very familiar with adobe suites. Want to work towards making my own stuff or helping others etc.

Some noobish questions:

  • Can you make scene rooms smaller and if so does that have a performance impact? Much of what ive seen is amazing but its wasted real estate and taxes my poor pc haha.

  • With respect (as a patreon) is the software a little (a lot) janky right now with all kinds of small and no so small issues?

  • In vr i can barely see the orb control lines and often they vanish and often i cant turn the orbs on at all. Is this because my pc is only a nvidia 1060 6gb ryzen 3.7 32 gb ram ssd ?

  • How do i take a "look" from a "scene" which can then be applied as a new "look" in another "scene" ?

  • Some looks work by " appearance preset" / "select existing " but others do not ? E.g "Jennifer" which is a look but shows up in scenes and cant be applied via appearance ? https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/jennifer.2875/ What am i failing to understand ?

  • I keep downloading scenes with their full packs only to find the hair missing every time. What is that all about? (beyond missing hair packs lol)

  • I have a number of missing packages which the auto update cannot find but they were from scenes on this site. Where do i find these (is there an archive?)

  • Is there a way to make gripping in vr more powerful ? AS in the in animation. It looks very weak on much that Ive seen,

  • How do i delete bjects and people? sometimes its in the corner but not always.

  • How do I undo or redo ? is this a thing?

  • Pose means to pose , does morph mean to animate?

  • I mentioned this elsewhere - I cannot make videos play using the in scene online web browser. It runs well and takes you to the video but it just shows circle animation. Ive tested this on my work and others with no progress. I have agreed to all security as well. Any ideas ? pls

thanks for any replies! Great community and software!
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Can you make scene rooms smaller and if so does that have a performance impact? Much of what ive seen is amazing but its wasted real estate and taxes my poor pc haha.
Render performance these days for static and not animated objects (e.g. rooms) is mostly about the number of pixels that have to rendered and the number of textures that have to read per pixel. The number of objects or amount of triangles doesn't matter that much, unless your triangles start to get smaller than pixels.

With respect (as a patreon) is the software a little (a lot) janky right now with all kinds of small and no so small issues?
It's in development and always will be. You can't ever finish something like this. Also its a little project by 3-4 full time devs, not a AAA production with a budget of a 100M$ or more and hundreds of people working on it full time over years.

How do i take a "look" from a "scene" which can then be applied as a new "look" in another "scene" ?
Save the look as an appearance preset and load it again in the other scene.

Some looks work by " appearance preset" / "select existing " but others do not ? E.g "Jennifer" which is a look but shows up in scenes and cant be applied via appearance ? https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/jennifer.2875/ What am i failing to understand ?
Some creators think their looks should be presented with a proper light setup and so on, so it really looks good. A properly shared look should be a VAR containing the appearance preset and a second VAR containing a demo scene. If you want to use the look in your own scene you just need the first VAR. However, I guess, many creators are either too lazy or don't know how to do it properly ;)

I keep downloading scenes with their full packs only to find the hair missing every time. What is that all about? (beyond missing hair packs lol)
Again, many creators don't know what they are doing and reference to all kind of paid assets where you have trouble finding them. Check for the green "Hub-hosted VAR" tag on resources, that means everything you need is on the hub for free and auto-download can fetch it for you.

How do i delete bjects and people? sometimes its in the corner but not always.
You may be in the wrong tab. I think it's the bottom-most tab "Control" for all atom types and the bottom-right "Control & Physics 1" for Person atoms.

How do I undo or redo ? is this a thing?
Nope, that kind of thing is dificult to implement. I recommend to save your scene often. There are also some auto-save plugins around that help with that. Also check out my PowerHandles plugin (part of Essentials) if you have trouble with accidental movements in VaM desktop mode.

Pose means to pose , does morph mean to animate?
Morphs modify the mesh, like the body shape, bigger boobs, etc. In addition you got "pose morphs" that are technically doing the same, but logically control the pose of fingers or facial expressions. The former are saved with a look/appearance, while the latter are saved together with a pose.
Animations are achieved by moving the control node of a character (e.g. lHandControl for the left hand) as well as changing pose morphs. VaM has a build-in system for this, which is a bit limited. In addition there are two main animation plugins: Timeline by AcidBubbles and my own IdlePoser.
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