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Solved Should I upgrade my router?


New member
I'm using a Quest 3 with a Netgear Nighthawk router on a 5.4ghz connection, and I get a stable 1200mbs with no issues. I'm not into complex scenes with sophisticated environments, I'm only into single character pass-through.

Would it be worth upgrading to a router with Wi-Fi 6?

If I did, what kind of performance increases should I expect?
Other factors like network congestion, distance to the headset, house characteristics, are more important points than wifi versions for evaluating what benefits you could have.
I had (a lot of years ago) many sad experiences with netgear wifi adapters, with netgears routers too... and at work I was seeing periodical mountains of those various (same shit mark) models ready for the recycle... probably also for overheating issues and very bad electronic components quality.
With my quest 3 I get (just the wired value) 19ms latency with a 5 GHz (relatively "old" and cheap) "Technicolor" modem-router https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Jn8AAOSwuXVj4i7a/s-l1600.png through a 10mt long, category 7 ethernet cable.

Playing VR through virtual desktop (with average max 30/40ms latency, on dedicated 80MHz wireless connection) on wireless streaming, I loose less than 20fps in VR VD/vam (my gpu/cpu: 4080s/i713700k): I think it's a good compromise and the fun quality is the same as in desktop mode. So... just check your performance (meaning the vam preferences data compared to what you get in VD) and if the netgear crap is ok with latency (till 60ms latency it's not bad at all!), good for you and no need to waste more money. Don't forget to disable the oculus runtime BEFORE loading vamVR, of course :p

ps: Some days ago I was testing the new wireless streaming application "Steam link" with wich I was getting optimal, very good performance even with vamVR... so if you don't care about passthrough option (playing vam) that crapware steam free download is an unusual very very much simple, very good and easy, fast alternative to the still excellent "virtual desktop", paywalled, ugly crapware :ROFLMAO: (was I just saying ugly "crapware"??? :eek:)
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Other factors like network congestion, distance to the headset, house characteristics, are more important points than wifi versions for evaluating what benefits you could have.
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