
Plugins Rubberleash

There was something that allowed locking only some axes...
That was what I did after adding an empty. Using only RubberLeash, neither locking axes on camera nor parent works.

Or... you meant from inside your plugin's script? Maybe your "..." meant you're going to make this work out in the next release... :)
I didn't have such plans no :) I feel like there might be a way to achieve that using VaM but I'm not sure how. Then you could use Rubberleash to "smooth out" the camera follow (something like parenting might work)
@Acid Bubbles
I know this won't ever make it onto your long list of todos :D so I'm going to try something for myself. I have a question:

When we add a new atom, "SyncDropDowns" doesn't seem to refresh the atom list. The only way is to refresh the plugin to see new added atoms.

Is there a way to make that SyncDropDowns work so that we don't need to manually reload the plugin?
@Acid Bubbles
Really... a missing ToList()? I bet it only took you exactly 0.01 second to find that. ?. Thanks for the fix.

Since I still couldn't figure out how to make it follow without turning (by a simple lock from inside VaM like you said,) I have added that middle-man Empty by script and made it work for me. Woohoo!

With MacGruber's absence from the forum, it's a blessing we still have you to help us, especially with technical stuff. There are others but not that many.

I have a question about setting the mouse cursor in Q&A that I'm afraid it might never get an answer. I'm hoping you could share some knowledge upon that when you have time. Thanks.
A very useful plugin, but there are still some issues that need to be fixed. I have bound this plugin to a focusing atom, which can track facial movements. During the rendering process frame by frame with the Eosin_VRRenderer plugin, there is a slight jumping in the tracking process, which is not smooth enough, causing slight shaking of the camera that is bound to the auto-focusing function. As a result, the frame-by-frame rendering of the machine is not smooth.
Any updates on rotation constraint not working? (For some atoms I guess?) I saw someone ask about that on page 1, and I’m having a similar issue. I’m trying to use rubber leash on the window camera, position works, but rotation doesn’t. I thought it was the camera, or the object in leashing it to, but I tried parent link rotation to the same object, and it does rotate with it. Unfortunately this won’t work properly as I need the camera rotation to match at all times when the weight is at 1, parent link keeps offsets
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For the record, @goodmanjunior figured it out

> It seems like rotation constraint works only once you record the child's current position first, so if you want to offset the child to be one to one with the parent, you have to align it yourself as opposed to not record the position and then allow rubberleash to align it for you
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