Question rhythm force settings?


I have tried following LookinForNothing's tutorials and am having no luck with RhythmForce. The model barely moves her hips, and when she does, it is random. Tried changing model and gone through several different songs. All songs had strong bass beats. Playing with all the sliders has done no good. Is this thing useful, or should I abandon it and hammer through a timeline method. SHE MUST DANCE!!!
Perhaps the hips are not in the correct control mode. Have you tried On, Off, and Comply while the plugin is operating?
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Check out the BeatIt plugin by @HAL9001 which should give you more control. I tried RhythmForce. Applying RF to the pelvis gave more movement than the hip. BeatIt will allow you a lot more fine control, for example, just moving the pelvis to the bass, and moving the hands to a higher band. The demo scene has target angles on the figure's body parts driven by the lower bands using the plugin on the SpeakerL atom.
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