Recording Joystick Movements like surrounding a Person or zooming in and out possible?


Active member

i would like to record my own animated Scene first person movements like surround a Model or zooming in and out and slow movements from upper to downwards.
Same as if you play usually and save that as a animated Scene.
LIke a Look but with movements which i can re-play once loaded.

Is that possible with a Script or already built in ?
There is a build in function to record animation paths. Not exactly what you have asked for, but you can click on "record" and after this, every movement of any joint of a figure is recorded. This is more or less how people with motion capturing are doing it. But of course, you can use the well known Timeline plugin, too.

As you already may know: For some simple movement along a defined curve, around objects or up-down in-out, there is the old build in animation function, where you can set different points to where an atom is moving. Other than those "record-path" animations, it is much more easy to edit and to fine tune, but limited in functionality. You can use triggers to change between those animation sets to create some more difficult animations.
Best way to learn how to use it is to take a deep look at scenes that are already making use of this.
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Hi TToby thx a lot.
Thx for the Background.
This is all manul Edit right?

My Idea was more to record what i am doing in realtime.
I mean my Path of how i am zooming in and moving around a Model or upwards downwards in first person.
Like a photographer or Camera Dude.

The Model has a Mocap as a exanple an Dances like Belly Dance. But there is no Camera interaction.
So if i move around her while she is dancing such are nice Scenes instead of a static camera.

you can animate the VaM scene "camera" as well with those options. If you don't want to manual edit it, you maybe want to try to record the movement of your "head-camera" in VR. I never have tried it personally, but it should work in theory. If it doesnt work, maybe you want to parent it to an other atom that you can "possess". This recorded movements probably is a bit janky and jittering. So this is why I had thought about those manual animation points to move the camera "on rails" like in movies. If nothing will work, try those 3rd person view "passenger" plugin, that makes me motions sick all the time in some scenes ;)
:) I am a huge fan of Embody / Passenger . I am used to VR movements from Gaming in VR near daily so this is good too yes.

Thx for the Tip to record the Head Camera.

I guess this
would be a cool CAM APP if it would work in VR which it does not as the DEV mentioned.

I cannot use such since the Postion of all and everything in Desktop to VR is different.
If i save a Scene in Desktop and load it in VR the Model is always at another Place as the camera is also.
No Clue why that is but its really confusing behavior.
I see that also often in Looks or Scenes which are built from people not using VR.
Nothing fits here in VR then. Scene opens and "Model is where now" ? ;)

Ill try some things with your tips.
I am very prone to simulation sickness atm. I was used to VR movement and had gotten my "strong VR Legs" while playing Skyrim VR and Fallout 4VR with bad framerates, some years ago... then I have stopped to play those games regulary and when Alyx came out, I jumped in and did like I was used to in that former times... I was getting sick at once but I didn't have stopped and forced myself through it because of my glorious "VR Legs". That was a big mistake and now it is worse than ever. I sometimes even getting motion sick by turning my head too fast in VaM while having the menu opened ... ;)

My first weeks in VR were horrible. MY first shootout in Eve Valkyrie was great until i entered Space in a Ship with Glass on floor.
Feeling like falling and sick for day haha.

Actually in VAM i am sure it depends in not stable framerates in movement.
It should be at least 60 Frames but isn't and that can sure result in what you tell.
This is same what some content creators told me regarding VR Usage of Camera Apps.
I have a very good and potent PC now, and my framerates are really good, even in VaM, but... there is sometimes a little micro stuttering and unexpected framedropping in VR while having the menu open in VaM and things are loading in the background like preview thumbnails. Or the picture is freezing/hanging for a very short time when you turn your head quickly and/or the physics drops in for hair or body in movement. Only some vew frames, then my framerates are OK again... I bet many people are not even seeing them. After I had experienced those sickness each time I had overdone playing Alyx, sometimes I now only need to see some of those hanging frames in VaM and my brain is instantly remembering those sickness. But fortunately only sometimes.
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