Question to the texture creators

Tell me, professionals - why doesn’t anyone make the internal textures of the vagina and anus to make it more realistic? is it difficult to do? it would be cool if not only the external genitals were different, but when opened, at least something could be seen)
Well, there is this:
Well, there is this:
Yes, that’s what I asked about) the author of the textures is great, he’s moving in the right direction in his creation, for that I’m very grateful to him! but as I understand it, he is the only one like this and there are no other similar textures, that’s why I wanted to ask them, maybe it’s difficult to do what no one does? I just don’t understand this at all (everyone does it only externally, visually, what’s the vagina, what’s the anus, but the anus doesn’t have the same texture? Do you know that there are the same ones but for the anus? Sorry if I’m annoying you)
You may be the first to ask for such a thing. There may not be much demand. A gaping anus just isn't going to show as much as a gaping mouth. There are improved textures for that too.
Inside Genital topology is outdate, but there is vertices to work with, unfortunately uvmap changes can't be import in VAM, even at 8k textures, we only have a small area to work with. It is not impossible, but like you said, it is difficult.
Inside Genital topology is outdate, but there is vertices to work with, unfortunately uvmap changes can't be import in VAM, even at 8k textures, we only have a small area to work with. It is not impossible, but like you said, it is difficult.
yes, that’s what I wanted to know) in general, in today’s vam, it’s unlikely that anyone will do this, as I understand it (thanks for the answers!
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You may be the first to ask for such a thing. There may not be much demand. A gaping anus just isn't going to show as much as a gaping mouth. There are improved textures for that too.
Thanks for answers! all these textures are cool and I tried to put a mouth but for some reason it made part of the face a different color(
I understand it, he is the only one like this and there are no other similar textures, that’s why I wanted to ask them, maybe it’s difficult to do what no one does?
Skin textures are usually (at least the good ones) made by making lots of high-res, evenly lit and straight-angled photos of an actual person. Like from all sides. You would then tweak, combine and modifiy from there into a single texture that wraps around the body, but the basis is actual photos. It's kinda difficult to make such photos from the inside of a vagina or anus. Especially even lighting would be an issue? Not to mention finding models who are willing to do that. And, well not that many people care about it ;)
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