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Solved Quest for a perfect Butt


New member
I have been in the background making my own content for VAM for years now. And while I have made some looks that I am very proud of after years of tinkering and learning things about anatomy and modeling I never would have learned otherwise, one thing has always eluded me....

The perfect Butt

Now, I will cavate that statement by adding that I understand perfection is entirely subjective. And, I have made rear ends in VAM that look "pretty good" from most angles. But, why I am here, and what my question is, Is there some limitation here that I am just not understanding? Is a photo realistic Butt just not something that is possible within vam? Even after looking through other peoples creations, and again I will add that I understand appeal is subjective, I really do, but I have not found even one creator for VAM that makes rears that look even remotely close to the real thing. So this has finally led me to asking here. Am I missing something here? Why is it that we can create 100% photo realistic looking parts for every other aspect of this wonderful Platform but, making a photo realistic rear just seems impossible? (which should be the most important part in my opinion)

Now again, I have seen, and made myself rears that look "good enough" but it's always overall flawed and not realistic, at least not realistic enough to match the level of quality that can be made on the rest of the female figure. And this doesn't even get into the difficulty of making the genitalia area actually look realistic. And regardless of how well I've ever made a female rear in this game, the moment she bends her legs, or bends over, it's totally gone and any semblance of realism is completely gone.

Surely, I can not be the only person that feels a nice butt is 1000x more important then breasts.
I wouldn't say it is 1000x more important than breats ;) ,
but I agree, the butt and genital area is a huge problem in VaM and even was in DAZ3d, where the figures came from.
This has some boring reasons, mainly with having only a few bones in that area, and the fact, that we don't have a JCM system (joint controlled morphs =morphs that automatically correcting the joint area while bending) in this Version of VaM.
Fact is, that it is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to make the butt look perfect in every pose. And it is not only the butt, it is shoulders and ellbows and knees... most of the joints areas will deform in an ugly way with different poses.
The only thing to do is to keep on trying. For this, a healthy ammount of...
I wouldn't say it is 1000x more important than breats ;) ,
but I agree, the butt and genital area is a huge problem in VaM and even was in DAZ3d, where the figures came from.
This has some boring reasons, mainly with having only a few bones in that area, and the fact, that we don't have a JCM system (joint controlled morphs =morphs that automatically correcting the joint area while bending) in this Version of VaM.
Fact is, that it is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to make the butt look perfect in every pose. And it is not only the butt, it is shoulders and ellbows and knees... most of the joints areas will deform in an ugly way with different poses.
The only thing to do is to keep on trying. For this, a healthy ammount of custom morphs are extremely helpful:
Raising the butt, lowering the back, deforming the hip and thighs, bend the waist... untill you are somewhat satisfied.
But with this current figure generation, it will always boil down to a compromise.

There is hope: The future new VaM version finally has JCM! You may want to test out the butt in the alpha demo!
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I would probably need to see examples of the desired goal compared to how close you are able to get things to suggest morphs that might help.
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@Damarmau - I would like to see this perfect butt as well! :ROFLMAO: But seriously, that's a valid point/request.

@Mr.Dr.Prof - Any luck getting closer to the perfect butt? I would guess that you can't get to perfection due to the limitations that Ttoby mentioned. I think we'll get closer in the next version of VaM. Lots of improvements on the horizon...
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I spent way too much time watching YouTube vids about AI/AGI and Nvidia chips, etc. Maybe they should give an AI a shot at making a perfect butt and output the morphs. o_O And yah, I prefer small breasts and nice (not over-large) butts. Like the country song says, "If you want a girl with e real tight kitty, get you a girl with itty bitty titty. "
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