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Plugins PosingHelper

Hi, i dont know if this error was adressed earlier but im getting this error when i add it to the session plugins:

!> Compile of Ruvik.PosingHelper.80:/Custom/Scripts/PosingHelper/PosingHelper.cslist failed. Errors:
!> [CS1061]: Type `SuperController' does not contain a definition for `MainHUDVisible' and no extension method `MainHUDVisible' of type `SuperController' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? in <Unknown> at [60, 68]
Hi, i dont know if this error was adressed earlier but im getting this error when i add it to the session plugins:

!> Compile of Ruvik.PosingHelper.80:/Custom/Scripts/PosingHelper/PosingHelper.cslist failed. Errors:
!> [CS1061]: Type `SuperController' does not contain a definition for `MainHUDVisible' and no extension method `MainHUDVisible' of type `SuperController' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? in <Unknown> at [60, 68]
you need to update Vam through "VaM_Updater.exe" , "Sync / Repair Core" would suffice.
i mentioned that if you face any problems you need update vam in the Overview of plugin.
I would like a small menu for entering coordinates. I have to do a lot of things to get to them.
hi, sorry this is taking a little bit more time than usual , im just kinda busy these days.
anyway, i created a wip UI and want some opinions , UI is not my strongest suit.

im running outta space here , but i think this is intuitive enough.
the eye symbol is a feature that i want for myself , basically whenever i want to make the eyes move i need to interact with VAM ui which is painfully slow for such a simple operation. this button is for toggling the eye->look at player and eye none settings.
hi, sorry this is taking a little bit more time than usual , im just kinda busy these days.
anyway, i created a wip UI and want some opinions , UI is not my strongest suit.
View attachment 325060
im running outta space here , but i think this is intuitive enough.
the eye symbol is a feature that i want for myself , basically whenever i want to make the eyes move i need to interact with VAM ui which is painfully slow for such a simple operation. this button is for toggling the eye->look at player and eye none settings.

I think the interface can be made many times more compact.

You can take the interface of games from Illusion as a basis.

For maximum compactness, you can use this part.
Ruvik updated PosingHelper with a new update entry:

ANNIVERSARY UPDATE, new precise input window , eye toggle button and some fixes.

. it has been one year since i released the first version which was terrible, it came a long way.
. new window for enter precise coordinates for nodes (and reset button) (credit: SinFear ).

View attachment 325848
. eye toggle(green = eye is on player , white = eye is set to whatever it was before )
View attachment 325849
. fixed a few issues with mirroring ...

Read the rest of this update entry...

I like PosingHelper very much, it helps me a lot to create animations quite quickly in desktop mode. But I keep having an issue with Y axis (green fields). When using it for moving up, it doesn't work or works very under-sensitive (very small node movement after a lot of mouse movement). Down movement on Y axis is fine, as well as on all other fields, including "yx" (green-red) and "yz" (green-blue). For the rotation, it's the opposite: down movement causes (almost) no rotation while up movemement works fine. It feels like a some kind of calibation problem, but I have no idea where to start looking for possible solutions.


I like PosingHelper very much, it helps me a lot to create animations quite quickly in desktop mode. But I keep having an issue with Y axis (green fields). When using it for moving up, it doesn't work or works very under-sensitive (very small node movement after a lot of mouse movement). Down movement on Y axis is fine, as well as on all other fields, including "yx" (green-red) and "yz" (green-blue). For the rotation, it's the opposite: down movement causes (almost) no rotation while up movemement works fine. It feels like a some kind of calibation problem, but I have no idea where to start looking for possible solutions.

I am moving person atom a lot and never noticed that Y movement is different in different axis.. that seems weird indeed. Doesn't happen for me though. I will play around later and see if I can reproduce it.

I like PosingHelper very much, it helps me a lot to create animations quite quickly in desktop mode. But I keep having an issue with Y axis (green fields). When using it for moving up, it doesn't work or works very under-sensitive (very small node movement after a lot of mouse movement). Down movement on Y axis is fine, as well as on all other fields, including "yx" (green-red) and "yz" (green-blue). For the rotation, it's the opposite: down movement causes (almost) no rotation while up movemement works fine. It feels like a some kind of calibation problem, but I have no idea where to start looking for possible solutions.

that's weird, all mouse movement are treated equally in terms of sensitivity, try missing with the slider values in the VAM plugins tab.
Ruvik updated PosingHelper with a new update entry:

move menu overhaul ,shoulder node ,eye button ,"Align to from scene" shortcut ,help menu and more ..

move menu overhaul:
View attachment 362232

. choose between 4 alignments instead of the previous 2
. choose to either input values directly or use the arrows

Align To From Scene:
. RMB + ctrl on any node and select where to align it with

Eye Button:
. you can now change the atom "eyes look at" mode from the UI
. LMB= cycle between (player and target) , RMB=open eye target UI , MMB=set eye mode to none.

New Help...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I have a question. I have been using timeline to record in VR. I use embody, but the problem is, when I start recording in VR, my poses are not saved when i record, and it just records the default hand position when I playback in timeline. Is there a solution to this?
can someone help me, I want to save a specific finger movement in the timeline but you cant add fingers as a keyframe in the timeline how do you do it?
can someone help me, I want to save a specific finger movement in the timeline but you cant add fingers as a keyframe in the timeline how do you do it?
I have a question. I have been using timeline to record in VR. I use embody, but the problem is, when I start recording in VR, my poses are not saved when i record, and it just records the default hand position when I playback in timeline. Is there a solution to this?
check the video in the overview section, you're supposed to:
1- import the animation found in this package
2- after posing go to timline->more..->advanced ->keyframe float params

unfortunately on the current version of timeline there's no way for my plugin to automate this process.
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I have a question. Why does Ruvik_Fingers_advanced have no effect on VAMTimeline? Thank you.

!> Timeline: Atom 'Person' does not have a storable 'plugin#1_Ruvik.PHFingerSliders'. It might be loading, try again later.

圖片 2.png
圖片 3.png
I have a question. Why does Ruvik_Fingers_advanced have no effect on VAMTimeline? Thank you.

!> Timeline: Atom 'Person' does not have a storable 'plugin#1_Ruvik.PHFingerSliders'. It might be loading, try again later.

View attachment 381276View attachment 381277
It's because your Ruvik.PHFingerSliders is not as #1 in your plugin list. You can manually change each #1 to any number in animation's .json file. I think that for current scene simply deleting plugin that has #1 in your list, then adding Ruvik should make it occupy #1 slot.
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