Question Offering a service to set up custom sex scenes with provided looks


Active member
Hello all

Im thinking of offering a service where a person can send me the looks of their choice and I will set those up in scenes I've created depicting various sexual positions. This raises some questions I would like to ask before considering starting the service:-
  • Firstly, would such a service be allowed? Obviously I might end up getting sent paid looks to be set up in my scenes, so I'm not 100% sure if this would be allowed. The scenes would only be made for the people who requested the scenes so im not thinking about selling them to anybody other than the person who paid for the looks in the first place.
  • Assuming the above is ok, where on this forum would I post, offering the service? Unlike most of the resources here, I wont be offering downloads to everybody. Rather somebody contacts me ( either directly or maybe via patreon - not sure yet ) sends me the looks and I set up the scene for a fee.
  • Do you think there might be a demand for something like this?
So, for example, I would post up some images/videos of the scenes in question using models I own. ( see below ) I would not offer these exact scenes as many of them contain paid looks. But I would offer to set up the scenes with looks of your choice that you can send to me. The scenes would all come with basic play/stop/speed controls ( plus any others if requested ).

so, what do you chaps think? Viable? If so, allowed? If so, desirable in your opinion?



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  1. To make it legal you would have to purchase the look for yourself. However, your customer could send you the link and include the price for the look in the payment, so you can just buy the look. You can also publicly share the scene, as long as you only reference the paid look, NOT actually include it. That's why VAR packages are cool! I would contact and ask the look creator out of courtesy, though, and its customary in the community to give that creator a free download link. The creator will probably be happy about increased sales and advertisement. Careful if the original creator explicitly excluded commercial usage, then you can't even post screenshots.
  2. Patreon makes sense as platform, since every VaM user has already a Partreon account. Make sure to figure out how this needs to be handled tax-wise in your country. Do you need to produce receipts, etc. For exampe in my country I have to pay 30-40% income tax on the revenue, depending on the total amount of money made in the entire year (including salary for any real life job you might have).
  3. I might be wrong, but those screenshots look like extremely simple setups. I don't think anyone would pay for a simple animation pattern setup, but maybe for something more complex in a nice environment. Say using my Life plugin with a custom SceneController plus IdlePoser. Good light setup, providing some custom GI using SkyMagic, etc. You can easily spend 20-40 hours on a scene like that, even when using existing looks and environments. Certainly worth some money for those who value quality and can't do it themselves.
  4. I recommend to do release a number of example scenes to prove what quality you can provide. Also make screenshots+video of your scenes freely available, don't hide it behind a paywall. Otherwise nobody would pay a couple of 100$ for a custom scene. (Remember 100$ is nothing if you have to pay 50% taxes and fees and spend 40h time...)
  5. Maybe the better approach is just to take suggestions and make what you like / can easily be done. That way you can also avoid cases where a certain look just doesn't work in a particular pose, etc. It's a lot easier to get a 100 people to pay 5$ than one person to pay 100$.
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Oh, also consider using an EarlyAccess model. A lot of people filter/ignore paid content...they will never see it. But once your content leaves EarlyAccess people see your quality and hopefully like it....and maybe subscribe the next time. I can only say that buisness model works for my content.
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I really appreciate you taking the time to offer me some advice/guidance. This is all just the start for me so I don't expect to be getting anything like this off the ground for quite some time. My intention - assuming I went ahead with it - was to start really simple and charge next to nothing for some simple set-ups and take it from there. I have a background in 3d animation, so I have confidence in my ability to create tactile/natural movements and figured I might be able to help people who have strong modelling skills but maybe lack the ability to bring their models to life.

I'm going to digest all you have said and give it a lot more thought. I love playing around with VAM and really happy I discovered it. If I can bring some value to the community - in any capacity - I will be pleased! :)

Thanks again
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I have read your post again and noticed you don't intend to build entirely custom scenes but rather to customize a set of scenes you have with different looks. That actually makes sense, although most people might think you just gonna switch an appearance/look preset, which takes 2 seconds. Nobody would pay for that. However, I assume you want to do more and actually tweak animations to the different body sizes, tweak body physics (especially hair, breast and glutes) and do other minor adjustments. Make sure you explain in your advertisement what you intend to customize. Have a look at my IdlePoser animation plugin, its quite suited for this, you won't have to redo all animations everytime.

Advertisement for this kind of service probably works best if you release the basic scene here (plus on Discord and Reddit) and mention your service in the resource description. If you basic scenes are really as simple as I think they are the basic scene should probably be free. I really recommend to invest some time into environment and light setup.
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Thanks again. I'm going to take your advice and expand my environment capabilities. My existing scenes were made for myself and I'm not too fussed about environments. I prefer - personally - to have clean empty environments, but appreciate that other users might want some more meat on the bones as far as framing scenes in a more real-life type setting.

Im going to check out your idle poser plugin. It looks very interesting.

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