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Oculus Rift S FPS Issues


New member

Thank you all for the guidance you have already provided regarding FPS and various configurations. After implementing everything I can find on the Hub and numerous external articles, I am at a loss as to why I seem unable to achieve beyond 40 FPS for simple scenes and around 20 FPS for scenes with multiple characters or lots of movement. Sometimes it's even as low as 10 FPS. These FPS rates seem consistent regardless of experimenting with VAM VR settings, ASW turned on/off, etc. I figured I'd at least ask to see if anyone had additional ideas.

My setup:
Intel i7-10750H 5GHz
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060
m.2 SSD storage (edited after initial post)
32GB RAM (edited after initial post)
Oculus Rift S
PC is used solely for VAM and is entirely optimized for VR; I occasionally monitor my PC's performance during play and none of the components appear to be reaching max capability.

If anyone out there has a similar / comparable system, what type of FPS are you getting? Does anyone have any thoughts in general about what I might be overlooking?
I have thought about adding more RAM but I'm not sure that RAM is really the culprit given the computer's use and specs.

Thanks to all!
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do you have the graphics maxed out? even my 3080 struggles when maxed depending on what im doing, this game always runs slower in VR than desktop. Over 16gb ram dont do much unless you like to open a lot in a single session, i think RAM speed would be more important than size (check your BIOS). And i know GPUs are impossible to get atm but the 2060 (non super) is the lower of the 20 series and might struggle for the fps.
edit: oh and a SSD or even better use a m.2, HDD is terrible!
Thanks Williamwow! My GPU never really gets pushed to capacity (I often see its usage quite low, actually), but probably because of how Windows 10 is utilizing both the CPU and GPU for balance. I'll look into how to push more to the GPU if possible. I do tend to notice the longer I use VAM the slower it gets as the RAM nears max, so an upgrade there wouldn't hurt, actually (Speed is 2666 MHz).

To your point on major system upgrades, I'll probably wait until I see the reqs for VAM 2.0, especially since Meshed seems to be trying to better utilize system components for that version. By then it might be better to just purchase a new system anyway. I don't know much about m.2 so I'll have to look into that. Preliminary it looks like they actually aren't that expensive at all but not sure my current system supports it.

Thanks again and happy to hear from anyone else on possible software level tweaks. Have a good one.

EDIT: Upon further inspection, I do have an m.2 SSD. Silly that I forgot lol.
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2666mhz is the stock speed Intel defaults to, if you have faster RAM you overclock it in BIOS (Youtube it) for the longest time my 3200mhz was set to 2666 mhz I bought 4 sticks but they are out atm I hear Crucial pairs well with Intel. Crucial Ballistix RGB 3200 MHz DDR4 DRAM Desktop Gaming Memory Kit 16GB (8GBx2) CL16 BL2K8G32C16U4BL (Black) at Amazon.com M.2 are cool they are WAY faster for loading into VAM, I hear a HDD takes over 60sec to boot VAM as a M.2 takes les than 15sec, (but make sure your Motherboard has a GEN 3 slot) when it comes to VR performance I think it has a higher demand of FPS than graphics settings Googling it says per eye, 1,280-by-1,440 resolution with an 80Hz refresh rate, so your essentially trying to manage 2 or even 3 (monitor) screens at once that's really hard to accommodate. I'm no big brain here just wanted to give you some kind of answer so you don't feel like the community ignores people.
edit: i googled your specs are you using a MSI laptop? if so I'm afraid my advice is even less helpful than i thought lol
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No, your post is the first I'm hearing of MSI. Why do you say your advice wouldn't be applicable in that case - do they have a bad rep? I did get my system from a custom builder though. I got it specifically to try out VAM and not knowing whether it would be any good (it is!), I didn't want to go to too nuts on specs but also didn't want to go bare minimum either. You advice is very helpful because even though I may not invest significantly in new components for this system it will help me make better decisions on a future purchase. Thanks again!
I just meant if I'm recommending PC parts for a laptop it would be unhelpful, MSI make good stuff. did you OC the CPU in BIOS too? google says i7-10750H is great for laptops is why I asked it's 2.6ghz-5ghz boost so if it gets hot the boost lowers and that would affect fps too.
edit: make sure you can even OC a H I am under the impression only Intels K series are unlocked
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This particular processor can't (or at least isn't advised to) be overclocked. It automatically will boost to 5ghz as needed as part of the factory config, and VAM does take advantage of this capability. The Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060 can safely and easily be overclocked, so I'm looking into that (edit: apparently not on laptops), but the GPU seems to handle VAM quite well if I look at the resource monitor. I upgraded to 32gb RAM and ran some tests. VAM pushed to 30gb RAM usage after opening about four high impact scenes. I typically am flipping though scenes quite quickly so this upgrade might help a little. And just for clarity since I edited previous posts and you may not have seen: I do have an m.2 SSD already on the system, I had just forgotten that spec.

VAM 2.0 really needs to get here to actually utilize the hardware capabilities already in place on most people's systems, which in theory should be sufficient to manage the software needs. Thanks again for your continued participation in this question. I'll keep looking online for possible tweaks and update if I have any successes that might be useful for others.
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Good news! Upgrading from 16GB to 32GB seems to have resolved them problem. I'm getting consistent 80-85 FPS for low/moderate intensity and 40-60 FPS for higher intensity. This is well within my anticipated performance. ASW OFF seems to be the best otherwise it appears to jitter or ghost, but still experimenting with that. What's interesting is, just like before, these rates are consistent regardless of using lower-end VR settings or the higher / max VR settings. Anyway, thanks for the feedback and help pointing in the right direction!
oh wow! i never thought it would be ram size, my guess is 16gb got capped too fast and "bottle necked" Meshed recommends using the Hard Reset option in Open Main UI between large scenes to clear the RAM without closing VAM but with 32 you should be able to enjoy a session now lol ?
(random thought) unless the PC builder put the 2 sticks of RAM in the wrong slots where they side by side when you first looked? they should have skipped one slot for A-1 B-1 not A-1 A-2 filling the remaining slots would have fixed it
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