If you create a cloth item, on the very first page at the lower right side you have the button to enable physics.
If you click on that button, most likely you clothes will fall apart.
You will need to tell VaM which parts of the clothes are stiff and wich parts are loose.
You do this with a red & black texture image.
Red is stiff, black are loose. Mixed red/black is everything inbetween stiff and loose.
Loose parts do not stick to the body and therefore will fall apart.
So you need a compromise, or you have to define anchor points to the body.
Right above that button, you can set a single solid red color.
Use the slider to adjust the ammount of stiffness for the whole clothing item.
Play a bit with the settings to get a feeling on how it works.
If you want to go further, you need to paint one of those simple "physics maps" yourself.
This is not really difficult, but hard to explain.
For a skirt, for instance, you have to look at the clothes texture, understand how the texture works for the skirt,
and than you paint the waist band pure (RGB) red to make it stick stiff to the body, and the rest of the image should be black.
This is a very basic setup. You can refine the skirts physics by painting color gradients from pure red over a dark red to black, and you most likely have to make different parts of the clothing item stick together with red color.
A button on the clothing item will fall off, if you don't paint it red. At the same time, this region will become stiff...
You have to do compromises and a lot of try & error at the beginning.
Very hard to explain. I suggest to look at the tutorials on how to do this.