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Fixed ( Mouse Look / node rotation broken in desktop mode when using RDP


New member
Both pressing "tab" to go into mouse look mode and right-click dragging are not working in desktop mode. I am locked into always facing forward. Additionally, the rotation rings for individual atom nodes are locked in position and will not move. I can still shift-click and drag to rotate atom nodes.

I've looked through navigation and other preferences multiple times but don't believe this is an intended setting.

Thanks in advance.
It sounds like your release is either corrupt or you have a plugin that is interfering with regular VaM operation. I would start by running VaM_Updater.exe, click Options, and click Repair Core to have it check and fix all your files. After that, check to see if you have any session plugins loaded by default. If so, remove all of them and see if VaM is working now.
Interesting @meshedvr, I found the bug condition. I did a fresh VAM install and was still having the problem so it occurred to me it could be in how i'm using it. I've confirmed that this only happens when using RDP to connect to the machine VAM is running on. My VR PC is in the living room, so I usually do my VAM "housekeeping" and scene building over RDP from another room. I verified it works fine when logged in locally but through Remote Desktop the look and rotate controls are a no-go.
@meshedvr Bump this problem. I'm on Mac connecting remotely through a ShadowPC. Everything works fantastic with VAM except I'm experiencing the same problem.. right or alt click do nothing and when I tab the mouse look it just freezes my screen. Complete mouse functions work in every other application on the ShadowPC but not VAM. Any help or bug fix greatly appreciated.

VAM is a breathtaking experience by the way.. wow. Well done.
@shakawkaw If you clarify in the title that this is RDP, I'll delete my post that specifically calls out RDP since this thread has already gotten more attention. I'm completely on-board with @MarshalVAM here: I have spent years, now, looking for a way to get RDP configured to let me do mouse-look or use the rotation orbs in RDP to no avail. Unfortunately, I've had to revert to the previous version until this is fixed, but if it continues to not get attention, I'll probably be pulling my patreonage.

Not a rage-quit kind of thing, just that I'll be forever using a version I can't update, so no reason to pay for updates.

Update. In speaking with Shadow team tech support today, that told me to "lock" my mouse inputs using cmd+option+m so that I can only move the mouse inside of that window. When I do that, VAM works fine and I can use the alt-click. I just ordered a bunch of hardware to build a rocking system so I won't be on Shadow much longer.
Another option I discovered late last night for is to use Steam to stream it; the movement stops when the client's mouse reaches the edge of the screen, but it's a lot better than I've been used to.

- Create a non-steam shortcut to VaM.exe on the host machine
- Add "-vrmode None" to the arguments (through right-click Properties)

It should then show up on a client machine logged in with the same user as a game ready to stream. It has to be fullscreen (at least on Linux) and I get some serious compression artifacts happening even on a wired GB network. And I finally am able to use middle- and right-click drags, which I didn't even know existed.
I was able to get everything working except for mouse look mode. It just isn't really possible without a ton more work and changes to 3rd party packages I don't want to mess with.

The good news is these now work:
- rotation handles on the gizmo
- ctrl/shift node rotation
- node drag
- camera pan and rotate
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