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Missing large portion of my clothing all the sudden?!?!


New member
So just randomly for some reason when I go to customize a model when editing a scene, when I click on the clothing tab it shows only 14 pages of items when there was normally over 100 and when I go into the add ons folder it still has the .var file inside of that folder?? Has anyone encountered this issue??? and if so what was the problem. this all happened after I had saved a scene and went to work on a new one that is when I went to choose the models clothing and it showed only 14 pages. Any help is appreciated!!
Some thoughts:
  • Are you on the right person, male/female?
  • Does this continue after restarting VaM?
  • Anything in the error log that may explain it?
  • Did you update VaM from 1.20 to 1.21/22 and are missing a key?
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