Question Meshing multiple animations together


When taking animations from different scenes and trying to make them come together the position of the character in the scene is different. Does animations use positional coordinates of the scene or from one another?
Is there a way to make the starting position the same for all the animations. Let's say you have a standing idle animation and a standing turn-around animation. Except the starting position coordinates are different.
Because animations can be done in all kinds of ways, it's not possible to give a general answer and you need to analyse case by case.
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Usually creators design the character’s position starting from the background assets as reference position. It’s why all the characters seem to be positioned differently. Basically, the root coordinates are only one in the VaM world. BTW, if you want to align all the starting position of the animations all the relative positions from the root control, of the moving parts should be adjusted. It is possible for non-animating poses by using the plugins like this. but I’m not aware of an easy way in the timeline animation do the same job.
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