Looks off center / off axis


New member
Hey gang,
I have a question regarding looks. It seems that some looks are set to a different alignment. I use the Appearance Presets Tab when loading and saving my looks. They show up fine but when looking at the controls and move spheres, they will not be centered. This is between looks and not in specific scenes. I have a default scene I use for viewing and tweaking looks. Some looks load "centered" and others do not. It is difficult to move the off center ones in scenes and keep things aligned. Is there a way to get the off axis looks re-centered? I hope the question makes sense. Thanks in advance.
Just to get this straight. When you open the default scene and load appeance presets, some are not positioned or rotated in 0,0,0?
Thanks for asking.
So I think I figured it out. I do think that it is certain scenes that are tilted or angled, and that combined with the model heights is what's throwing the alignment and control spheres off. Is there a way to re-center a scene. There's a couple of creators that I seem to have the issue with. I don't see anyone else complaining about it so I'm guessing it's just me.
A control point coordinates of a certain part of a person, let's say hip control, will be dependent on the morphs used. Usually that difference between looks is not much, but extreme positions or morphs will accentuate this difference, even lead to physics issues. When changing appearances in a scene, keep in mind that the scale of the original person may be different than 1.
Thanks for the info.
I do think that the scale is also a factor as well. It just seems like some looks load into everything fine and some load in and are always, just to the left or just to the right. I def see how morphs factor into this as well.
Thanks again.
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